Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is a science fiction adventure film. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is the sequel to 2015's Jurassic World and is the fifth movie in the Jurassic Park film series as well as the second entry in the Jurassic World Trilogy. The movie is produced by Universal Pictures, Amblin Entertainment, The Kennedy/Marshall Company, and Legendary Pictures and distributed by Universal Pictures. Fallen Kingdom is written by Colin Trevorrow and Derek Connolly and directed by J.A. Bayona.
The story is after the demise of Jurassic World, the dinosaurs there are now roaming freely. All of this is about to come to an end with an impending volcanic eruption that will destroy both the island and the dinosaurs. Claire and Owen along with other people go to the island to save them. However when they bring them back to the world they discover something terrifying.
Initial Reaction
I was all ready for this movie the moment the title was announced. And since I enjoyed the first film I figured the second one wouldn't disappoint. I also really enjoyed all of the trailers they looked really great. So I was going into this film enjoying all of the hype around.
I've got nothing to say. So let's move on.
Middle Ground
In Fallen Kingdom there's a twist related to one of the new characters. Now it's not a bad surprise but I think it could have gone better for one thing. The writers putting more emphasis on it. It was brought up and kind of winked at bit but it also felt like it got pushed back because they wanted to be more focused on the dinosaurs and only the dinosaurs.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom introduced a new hybrid dinosaur that being the Indoraptor. And I loved this thing. It was just so creepy and intimidating. The film also has stunning cinematography. We get a lot of shots that I just couldn't get enough of. My favorites were the aftermath of the eruption and the full moon shot with the Indoraptor. To my surprise there was a lot of dark moments in this film. Something of them made my jaw drop. I wish I could go into more detail but this isn't a spoiler review. Once again Chris Pratt's performance as Owen is spot on and he has definitely not missed a beat with this character. Another thing I liked about the film is the special effects. This time it feels like a huge improvment to the previous film. My final complement I'll give Fallen Kingdom is the ending. Like I said before I won't give any spoilers, all I'll say is the ending does make you curious about what their going to do for the third movie.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is quite an enjoyable flick. The Indoraptor is awesome, Bayona's directing is a perfect ten, a lot of great dark scenes, Pratt's performance is still one of the highlights of this franchise, the special effects have greatly improved, and ending makes you curious about Jurassic World 3. The only grey area is that twist.
My final rating is Good
State of The Project (Jun 7th - Jul 2nd)
Jun 7th - What You Probably Didn't Know About The Incredibles (2004)
Jun 14th - A Look Back at The Incredibles (2004)
Jun 16th - Incredibles 2 Review
Jun 18th - Differences Between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Who Censored Roger Rabbit
Jun 21st - Raiders of The Lost Media - Overwatch: First Strike
Jun 23rd - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Review
Jul 2nd - Cinematic Disasters - Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
I've got nothing to say. So let's move on.
Middle Ground
In Fallen Kingdom there's a twist related to one of the new characters. Now it's not a bad surprise but I think it could have gone better for one thing. The writers putting more emphasis on it. It was brought up and kind of winked at bit but it also felt like it got pushed back because they wanted to be more focused on the dinosaurs and only the dinosaurs.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom introduced a new hybrid dinosaur that being the Indoraptor. And I loved this thing. It was just so creepy and intimidating. The film also has stunning cinematography. We get a lot of shots that I just couldn't get enough of. My favorites were the aftermath of the eruption and the full moon shot with the Indoraptor. To my surprise there was a lot of dark moments in this film. Something of them made my jaw drop. I wish I could go into more detail but this isn't a spoiler review. Once again Chris Pratt's performance as Owen is spot on and he has definitely not missed a beat with this character. Another thing I liked about the film is the special effects. This time it feels like a huge improvment to the previous film. My final complement I'll give Fallen Kingdom is the ending. Like I said before I won't give any spoilers, all I'll say is the ending does make you curious about what their going to do for the third movie.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is quite an enjoyable flick. The Indoraptor is awesome, Bayona's directing is a perfect ten, a lot of great dark scenes, Pratt's performance is still one of the highlights of this franchise, the special effects have greatly improved, and ending makes you curious about Jurassic World 3. The only grey area is that twist.
My final rating is Good
State of The Project (Jun 7th - Jul 2nd)
Jun 7th - What You Probably Didn't Know About The Incredibles (2004)
Jun 14th - A Look Back at The Incredibles (2004)
Jun 16th - Incredibles 2 Review
Jun 18th - Differences Between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Who Censored Roger Rabbit
Jun 21st - Raiders of The Lost Media - Overwatch: First Strike
Jun 23rd - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Review
Jul 2nd - Cinematic Disasters - Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever