Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Look Back at The Lego Movie (2014)

Note: This review contains spoilers. You have been warned.

Image result for the lego movie poster

With The Lego Batman Movie only fifteen days away I figured it would be a good idea to review The Lego Movie the film that starred the Lego film franchise I guess that's what we can call it?

Before I get into the review I want to tell you my experience with this movie. When I first heard the announcement of this movie I thought this is going to be the worst film ever made because what story get you tell about Legos? Then the first trailer dropped on YouTube I refused to watch because I thought it was going to suck. The film later came out and my thoughts still remained the same. Then all I heard about this movie was praise and almost everyone I talked to told me how I should see this movie. Later on it would come out on dvd and I like everybody else feel in love with this movie.

The Lego Movie is a 2014 film that tells the story of an ordinary construction worker named Emmett(Chris Pratt) who is told be the prophesied "Special" the only one who can stop the tyrant Lord Business(Will Ferrell).

  • Negatives

I actually have nothing bad to say moving on.

  • Positives

One great thing about this movie is the animation it is amazing to look at everything the filmmakers did with the Legos was very imaginative. I was also impressed on how this movie used not only some bits of stop motion but it was also made with some CGI. Only you wouldn't know some of this was CGI because both the stop motion and the CGI just went together so well.

The story here is also something to enjoy because this movie was about a nobody which would be Emmett and despite all the people who told him he is nothing special he pulled it off he saved everybody. Those stories if done well can make you root for the underdog and through the whole film you are going to root for Emmett.

Another aspect this movie does well is the humor. When I first watched this movie I was surprised how every joke got me to laugh. Then after watching it again it's still surprising how every joke worked. The jokes just land their mark and are timed perfectly there doesn't feel like one seemed forced, shouldn't be there, or was out of place.

The Lego Movie has great animation, an amazingly great story, and is one of the best comedy films to be made.

My final rating for this movie is A Must Watch.

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