Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Look Back at Batman: The Animated Series


With Bruce Timm coming back to make another Batman animated series [Batman: Caped Crusader], I thought what better way to celebrate, then review a fan favorite. Also, I'm only gonna be reviewing the original series and the not follow-up, The New Batman Adventures. Maybe if Caped Crusader gets a second season, then maybe I'll review that one, until then, it's just this series.

Batman: The Animated Series, or often shortened to Batman TAS or BTAS. It was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and distributed by Warner Bros. It was also the very first installment of the DC Animated Universe. The series consisted of two seasons with a total of 85 episodes. Batman: The Animated Series was created by Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski.

The story is, after a great tragedy during his childhood, billionaire Bruce Wayne becomes the Batman. He vows to keep Gotham safe whether it'd be gangsters, supervillains, or people just needing a hero.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing.

  • Mix

Got nothing here either.

  • Positives

Let's get one of the biggest pros out of the way, Kevin Conroy. I don't think there's a single bit of praise I can give him that hasn't already been said. The guy was the voice for Batman, and not just for 90's kids, but for generations of kids. The guy was absolutely talented and it's sad that he's no longer with us.

Alright let's move on to the animation. The show premiered on Sept 5th, 1992, and the animation blew people away. 31 years later, it's still incredible. It still holds up well to this day, and I hate to come off as someone who thinks all modern day animation sucks, but it can put a lot of animation we currently have to shame.

Then there's the art style. Bruce Timm has an iconic style. It's recognizable and some of the DC animated movies have used a similar style, or it is Bruce's style. His art has influenced many and for good reason. I also want to give credit to Steve Perry and his hand painted title cards. That might sound ridiculous to some of you that haven't seen the show, but believe me. The art for the title cards are quite good. They're very simplistic but have such a great style to them.

The last thing I'll praise is the writing. Now, before I gush over the writing, I do want to take a step back for a moment. Now some episodes aren't bad, there just solid, get the job done, but they're not as memorable as some. Having said that, when the episode has spectacular writing, wow, it's amazing. You do get humorous moments, but man, it's those darker and more mature moments that hit hard. Two examples that come to mind are Baby-Doll and If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? With Baby-Doll, the day was saved, but it ends with a emotional breakdown. And If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?, again, the day is saved, but it ends with someone to paranoid to sleep. Yeah, pretty dark stuff. Then there's the fact that the writing team really did focus on character. With developments, motivations, or just charming moments of them enjoying each others company.

I firmly believe that Batman: The Animated Series isn't just a great cartoon, Batman show, or superhero show, but an essential show to watch. It's incredible and a stable of great tv shows.

My final rating is, A Must Watch!

That's all for now. Come back on Saturday, Aug 3rd, for my review of M. Night Shyamalan's newest film, Trap. It's gonna feel refreshing to take a slight break from comic book media. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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