Monday, September 30, 2024

Road to Captain America: Brave New World - Captain America: The First Avenger Review


With a new solo Captain America movie (albeit no Steve Rogers) coming soon, I'd figured now is the best time to review the previous movies. Keep in my mind I'm only reviewing the solo movies, so don't expect any Avengers reviews anytime soon.

Captain America: The First Avenger is a comic book movie based on the Marvel Comics' Captain America. The movie serves as the fifth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Captain America: The First Avenger was written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely and directed by Joe Johnston.

The story is, it's the time of World War II and all Steve Rogers wants to do is join the army and serve his country, but he's rejected due to his small stature and multiple health issues. But before he can give up on his dreams, Steve is given his opportunity as he has been chosen for the super soldier program. Now, going by Captain America, Steve must combat a super threat to everyone, the Nazi-backed organization known as HYDRA.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing.

  • Mix

There are some slow moments. Typically that'd be a good thing because of two things, 1) give us a breather from all of the action and build up story and/or character. 2) To build tension. Now both of those instances did happen, however there were some moments that didn't really need to be slow.

  • Positives

Let's start off with the special effects. While there were a very few instances where you could see green screen, but those moments didn't ruin anything for me. Especially when the rest of the effects are really good.

My next credit goes to the action. It's very exciting and you'll have a fun time with it. Hell, I've seen this movie like three times and Captain America's rescue mission still, STILL gets all giddy and excited.

I also liked this movie's tone. 99% of the time everything is played straight. Yes there's still humor (and I'll get into that later), but this movie takes its World War II setting and the superhero aspect very seriously. There's not one moment where I felt the tone was leaning one way or the other. It was nicely balanced.

Since I brought it up previously, let's get into the humor. This, this is how humor in a lot of modern comic book movies should be done. Unless you're doing something far more serious like the original Crow movie but I digress. Anyhow, the humor in this is perfect. Yes, it's funny, but unlike a lot of the MCU's current movies, it's not in your face. The humor in this was used subtlety and appropriately.

The last thing I'll credit is Joe Johnston's directing. I think this guy just might be a very underrated talent. He's great behind the camera, he makes his films look gorgeous, the whole nine yards. A matter of fact he kinda took the tone and among other stuff he did with another movie about a superhero fighting in WW2 [The Rocketeer] and applied it here. Hey I'm not complaining, it all worked out in the end.

Captain America: The First Avenger is a great comic book movie. As far as Phase One MCU movies go, this is on the top of the list.

My final rating is, Good.

Alright I'm all done here. Come back on Thursday, Oct 3rd, for my review of 1996's Scream. That'll kick off the Halloween season of reviews, but until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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