Kraven the Hunter is a comic book movie based on the Marvel Comics' character of the same name. It serves as the sixth installment of Sony's Spider-Man Universe. Production was done by Marvel Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, TSG Entertainment II, Arad Productions, and Matt Tolmach Productions with distribution by Sony Pictures Releasing. Richard Wenk, Art Marcum, and Matt Holloway wrote the story, while J.C. Chandor directed.
The story is, when Sergei Kravinoff was young we was saved from a vicious lion attack and granted special abilities. Many years later, he goes by Kraven, where he hunts and kills criminals. Little does he know his actions will lead to him having to save his brother.
Initial Reaction
Now Kraven isn't one of my favorite Spidey villains, I know funny thing to say considering I love Kraven's Last Hunt, but I've always been more of a fan of the likes of Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Carnage, and even The Lizard. Regardless of that, I was still curious about the movie so I decided to give it a shot.
My only complaint was with the villains. They're just not that interesting. Sure they've got cool action moments, but they're characters are pretty bland.
Middle Ground
One gray area came with the CGI. Some parts weren't too bad, other parts were pretty ruff. Then there's the pacing. Ninety percent of the time it's pretty good, nothing to complain about. But there were times where I almost felt that two hour runtime. Then there's the story. Honestly I don't know why so many took issues with it. Now I'm not gonna overly praise it, clearly obvious considering where I've placed it in this review. But I'll admit it's not really all that special. It's just a standard kidnapped and go save story. Nothing insulting or anything. Although I do admit the dialogue can be clunky.
There's two good things to Kraven. One being the action. If you like your action scenes violent, then the movie's got you covered on that aspect. Then there's Aaron Taylor-Johnson's performance. While the script isn't the greatest thing ever, Aaron manages to bring out some really good acting. While we'll all have our disagreements on this movie, I do believe we can agree that Aaron is the best part.
So I think I've made it obvious I don't think this is the worst thing to come from Sony's cinematic universe. That crown still belongs to Madame Web. But I do admit it's not perfect.
My final rating is, Okay.
So that's all for now. Come back on Saturday, Dec 21st, for my review of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I can't wait for that one. My boy Shadow is FINALLY gonna be on the big screen! Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.
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