Monday, June 18, 2018

Differences Between Who Framed Roger Rabbit & Who Censored Roger Rabbit

Hi everybody and welcome back to Differences Between. And this time I'm doing a film I loved from childhood all the way to adulthood. So without wasting any more time here are the differences between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Who Censored Roger Rabbit.

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One thing that differs from the book is Roger's appearance. In the novel Roger is six feet tall, with white fur on his hands, feet, and stomach along with brown fur everywhere else. The novel's Roger also enjoys a drink every once in awhile unlike his movie counterpart who can't hold his liquor.

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The book Eddie is more fit and his backstory about having a dead brother doesn't exist anywhere. Also while movie Eddie drinks heavily because of he's deceased brother novel Eddie doesn't have an excuse he drinks because he wants to nothing more nothing less.

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Another thing that differs between the two properties is Jessica's personality. In the movie she absolutely loves Roger and would never speak ill of him. The novel on the other hand not so much. In that story Jessica is a gold digger, speaks of Roger poorly, and even goes a far to divorce him.

Due to both the stories being completely different from one another many characters are not seen in the book like they are in the movie. Some of them being Judge Doom, The Weasels, and Benny The Cab.

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Another notable differences between the two is how the toons work. What I mean by that is in the movie the toons work on film. With your typical stage, lighting, camera, director etc. In the book the toons work on print. Which means that have to pose for comic strips then a photographer takes a photo of them. Oh and the toons also come with their own word balloons.

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One thing the book did that movie doesn't was give the toons the ability to make copies of themselves. The clones are empty shells with no memories and are used for scenes too dangerous for the original. Unlike the movie were the toons can be smacked, smashed, bashed, and thrown around with no injuries being brought to them.

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Throughout the movie Eddie is seen snooping around, getting into fist fights, shoot outs, and car chases. In the novel he doesn't do any of that. He mainly conducts interview after interview in a more traditional noir style.

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In Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Eddie goes home and finds Roger in his bed. Roger is begging Eddie to the case to clear his name. Eddie later caves in but only because The Weasels arrive at his apartment. In Who Censored Roger Rabbit, it's almost the same thing but The Weasels aren't included and there's a surprising twist related to Roger.

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In the movie Marvin Acme's will becomes an important part of the plot, but in the book someone's trying to find a supposedly regular looking tea kettle.

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In Who Framed Roger Rabbit the movie has a glorious happy ending. In Who Censored Roger Rabbit not so much. In that book a major character is dying, confessions to a murder, then dies.

And so those were the differences between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Who Censored Roger Rabbit. I was going to make this have a much longer list but I lot of it was heading into spoiler territory and I didn't want to ruin both the movie and the book for any of you.

State of The Project (May 26th - Jun 21st)

May 26th - Solo: A Star Wars Story Review

Jun 4th - Is It True? - Super Mario Bros. 3 is a Play

Jun 7th - What You Probably Didn't Know About The Incredibles (2004)

Jun 14th - A Look Back at The Incredibles (2004)

Jun 16th - Incredibles 2 Review

Jun 18th - Differences Between Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Who Censored Roger Rabbit

Jun 21st - Raiders of The Lost Media - Overwatch: First Strike


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