Thursday, October 6, 2022

A Look Back at Hellraiser (1987)


With the remake coming out soon, it's time once again for me to look back into the past and review the film that started it all.

Hellraiser is a 1987 British supernatural horror film, based on Clive Barker's 1986 novel, The Hellbound Heart. The movie's produced by Film Future and distributed by Entertainment Film Distributors. Hellraiser was written and directed by Clive Barker.

The story is Frank Cotton bought a mysterious puzzle box that's said to open a door to a realm of otherworldly pleasures. Once he solves it, he's welcomed by hooked chains and mysterious figures called the Cenobites. Sometime later Frank is back but he's flesh and everything else is gone, he convinces his brother's wife to lure men back into the apartment so he can be reconstruct himself. However, what Frank doesn't know is the Cenobites have cut a deal with someone to bring him back.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say, so just move onto the next part.

  • Mix

It's no surprise that people of praised the practical effects. Rightfully so too, they are truly a work of disturbing art. But I'm not here, too take a slight issue with those, my slight issue is with non-practical effects. In I want to say the last five-to-ten minutes of the movie, the non-practical effects are very bad. It's especially bad because when compare them to other effects to other 80's horror flicks, it just gets worse. But, but I willing to kind of forgive that, 1) They were working on a very limited budget, and 2) the movie makes up for this downside, with those spectacular practical effects.

  • Positives

Now let's get this out of the way, the story is very common. Woman falls in love with the more dangerous and aloof guy, because the guy she's currently with just doesn't excite her. However, what really helps that element of the story isn't just the S&M aspect, but because of Clive Barker's horror element as well. So when people describe this as a twisted love story, it's very accurate.

Since I brought up the horror aspect, or this case body horror as it's classified it's time I told you about it. It's takes a lot for a horror flick to make me feel grossed out, scared, or cringe, and Hellraiser managed to do all three of those. I was scared of the Cenobites, I was grossed out by the more body horror elements, and I cringed because the effects of the hooks penetrating human flesh, looked so real, once again props to the special effects artists.

I also thought the performances were done really well too. The actors/actresses not only did a fantastic job with the horror bits, but I also thought they were really great for the more dramatic/character focused parts as well. Granted, they were a couple of times when the acting was a bit hammy, but that can be easily forgiven given everything else I saw. And do I even need to say anything regrading Doug Bradley as Pinhead? The guy just nails the role, even when you're watching an absolutely terrible excuse for a Hellraiser sequel (for any of that are fans of this franchise, you know the ones I'm talking about), he's amazing.

The last thing I'll praise is and it's something I never really thought about when watching it the first time, and that's how this also deals with being a character driven story. Sure, the blood and guts is still there, but to perfectly add in some character development, is always a welcomed surprise. Instead of this family storyline dragging the film down, it actually helps increase the film's quality.

Hellraiser is a great horror film. It's got a very common love story, but manages to make it work by adding in a twisted horror element, the body horror is excellent, the performances were also great, and the added drama/more character focus aspect was a nice touch. For a majority of the film the special effects are incredible, but those last ones aren't anything to write home too.

My final rating is Great.

So that's going to do it for me. Come back on Saturday, Oct 8th for my review of the Hellraiser remake. I'm really hoping that'll be a good one. Anyhow, enjoy the rest of your day.

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