Thursday, September 21, 2023

Cinematic Disasters - The Legend of the Titanic


If there was any reason to truly hate James Cameron's Titanic, it should be all the blatant rip-offs that came afterwards. Such as this one.

The Legend of the Titanic is a animated fantasy movie, and supposedly based on the RMS Titanic (you'll find out later in the review why I phrased it like this). It was produced by SEK Studio, ITB Spain, Hollywood Gang Productions USA, and Mondo TV and distributed by Mondo TV. The Legend of the Titanic was written by Celelia Castaldo and Loris Peota and directed by Kim J. Ok and Orlando Corradi.

The story is on April 1912, passengers aboard the ship know as the Titanic. It seems like it's gonna be a one of a kind journey for them, but little do they know, things are about to take an unexpected turn for the worse.

My Thoughts

The first thing I want to get out of the way is the animation. It's fine, but it's really bland. There's nothing about it that stands out.

Now let's talk about the biggest problems with the movie, one of those being talking, anthropomorphic animals. I kid you not. I mean, why? Why put something so cutesy in a Titanic movie of all things?! And if they're not anthropomorphic, then they're just regular animals who talk because of...magical moonbeams...I'm not writing this while high folks, this is all in the movie.

Let's move onto the voice acting. This was just awful, there's no real emotion in their voices, and I swear they recorded their lines in some sort of empty room, because I swear there's some hollow sound whenever they talk.

Then there's the fact the filmmakers just straight up rip off James Cameron's movie. And when I mean rip off, I mean rip off. When we're first introduced to Elizabeth (our main female lead) her introduction is literally a shot for shot recreation of when Rose was introduced in the Cameron movie. She even has an arranged marriage story! Way to be creative there guys.

Which finally brings me to the biggest problem with The Legend of the Titanic, oh my God the story. Let's break it down.

1) The Love Story, or Lack There Of

Yes, just like the James Cameron flick, we've got a love story. Cause apparently we haven't ripped Cameron off enough. Anyhow, Elizabeth falls for a man named Don Juan. Then after spending little to no time with each other throughout half of the movie, they exchange one whole sentence, fall in love, dance, escape the sinking ship, and then by the end they're married.

Yeah, that's their love story. Wasn't just romantic? Didn't it just move you? I have seen shippers come up with better reasons why two characters should be a couple with little to no evidence, and say what you will about the couples in the older Disney films, at least there felt like development in those stories. Here, one sentence later, Don and Elizabeth decided it's a good idea to get hitched.

2) Nobody Died

You read that right folks. According to this movie, nobody actually died on the Titanic. Not only is that insulting, but this brings up a huge plot hole. If we're lead to believe that, then how come in this movie, newspapers years later are saying the Titanic sunk and killed hundreds of people? By the end of the movie, everybody in New York saw the survivors alive and well. This story may take place in 1912, by there was still a thing called media attention! And I'm pretty sure hundreds of people surviving something of this magnitude would've gathered some media attention! That's not one of those stories you can brush off and then make up whatever you like.

3) The Real Reason for the Sinking & How Everybody Survived

Strap in for this one, cause it's one hell of a doozy.

So the "true" story of why the Titanic sunk, was because Elizabeth found out about her arranged finance's illegal whale hunting operation. So in order to cover his tracks, he tells his henchman to go tell talking sharks to find a way to sink the ship. So the sharks trick a giant octopus with a puppy dog face in an iceberg throwing contest, which it accepts, throws said iceberg, thus causing the Titanic to start sinking.

I'd like to remained you all, once again, that I am not high. This is all in the movie.

So, how did everybody survive this? Well it was a combination of things. 1) There was enough lifeboats for everybody. 2) Puppy face octopus held the ship together. 3) The holy saviors known simply as the whales also gave a helping hand.

I'm gonna say it, one more time. I am not taken any mind altering drugs...THIS IS ALL IN THE MOVIE!

So yes, the sinking of the Titanic was just a plot to cover up an evil whale hunting operation.

Holy crap! Do I even need to say anything for this after what you just read? Not only is this just a terrible movie overall, but it's also insulting to those who died. If you want to make an anti-hunting movie, okay, fine, you have that right. But don't incorporate it into a real-life tragedy. What's next? An anti-bird hunting movie and it's mixed in with the Hindenburg?

My final rating is, Destroy It!

That was a tough one to get through. But, come back on Monday, Sept 25th, for part four of Looking Back at the Films of 2022. Hopefully I'll have much better movies to review for that one. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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