Trap is a psychological thriller movie, that's produced by Blinding Edge Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Trap is written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.
The story is, Cooper is taking his daughter to a concert for her favorite pop star. Soon, Cooper finds out the concert is actually a trap for a serial killer known as The Butcher, who happens to be Cooper himself. Now, he must stay one step ahead of the authorities in order to avoid capture.
Initial Reaction
The reason why I wanted to see this movie is because I feel as though Shyamalan hasn't truly disappointed, I've liked some of recent. Is he Sixth Sense perfect? No. But his quality of work is in a far better place then it was with movies such as The Last Airbender or After Earth.
I've got nothing.
Middle Ground
Alright, one gray area with the movie was the dialogue. Much like with a previous Shyamalan movie [Old], there's been some complaints about the dialogue. Much like with Old, I found some of the dialogue to be totally inoffensive. Nothing to get bent out of shape about. But! Yes, we do have some weird moments. Then there's the pacing. For the most part, the movie's pacing is pretty good. Scenes go by nicely while still giving us some much needed info for the story. However there were a few times when things could get slow. The last thing for this section goes to the story. The story is pretty decent, but you really got to use your suspension of disbelief. Because there's a few times when Cooper is a very lucky killer. One very small example is Cooper pushed a woman down some steps. Surprisingly despite there being 30,000 people at this concert and a couple of security guards, nobody saw that. Like absolutely nobody. And that's just one tiny example in the grand scheme of things. So yeah, the story can be good, but again, for the most part use your suspension of disbelief.
Now I've read and watched many reviews about this movie. Not all, but many. And I'm happy to know we can all agree that Josh Hartnett's performance is the best thing about Trap. The guy nailed this role. He really makes you believe he's this caring father, just wanting his daughter to have a good time. But he was always very believable as a psycho killer. I also really enjoyed the suspense. Even though the story isn't perfect, M. Night Shyamalan still managed to deliver some really intense moments.
Trap may not be perfect, but there's still some enjoyment to be had.
My final rating is, Okay.
That's all. Come back on Monday, Aug 5th, for my review of the director's cut of Zack Snyder's Rebel Moon films. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.
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