Saturday, March 8, 2025

Mickey 17 Review


Mickey 17 is a sci-fi dark comedy movie based on Edward Ashton's 2022 novel, Mickey7. Productions was handled by Plan B Entertainment, Offscreen, and Kate Street Picture Company with Warner Bros. Pictures doing distribution. Bong Joon-ho both wrote and directed.

The story is, along with his friend Mickey has a failed business venture and is currently running from a loan shark. Wanting to escape they sign up to be the crew on a space ship. While Mickey's friend is given the job of a pilot Mickey is an expendable, meaning he's given highly dangerous jobs that'll kill him then he's cloned back to life. One day, Mickey 17 is mistakenly reported dead and after returning to the ship he now has to deal with a new problem. His clone, Mickey 18.

Initial Reaction

Now I didn't have this in my most anticipated list because I had no intention of seeing it. Especially since I've never one Bong Joon-ho film. But then I caught a commercial and decided to give this a chance.


The only thing I didn't like were the villains, Kenneth and Ylfa Marshall played by Mark Rufflo and Toni Collete. Now everybody can be over the top but with these two it was just too much. They felt less like characters meant for this movie's world, and characters meant for an SNL skit, a bad one.

Middle Ground

I've got nothing.


One pro is the humor. It's wonderfully dark and got a lot of laughs from the audience. Then there's the character of Mickey. The guy just has the worse of luck. He felt like a kicked puppy. He just want to protect the guy, that's how much sympathy you'll have for him. So yes, Mickey is a character you'll easily like. Speaking of the character let's talk about the actor who plays him, Robert Pattinson. I know he's been in other movies prior to what I'm gonna list, but for me, having seen him in Tenet, The Devil All the Time, The Batman (by the way 🤞🏻 that sequel won't head for cancelation), and this, it truly blows me away how Robert can no longer be viewed as "The Twilight Guy". Not only does he play Mickey, but he's playing two of them both of which have very different personalities. And he plays off of himself very well. Do you have any idea how difficult that is? He either has to pretend to talk to somebody there or pretend his body double is a different him. That's talent right there. My last praise goes to the tones. While it keeps its sci-fi dark comedy aspects, it can also be a love story and then at one point because a rebellion movie. And what's funny is none of this stuff clashed. It all fit together perfectly.

While you might find some sort of issue or possibly issues, Mickey 17 is a very fun movie to watch.

My final rating is, Good.

That's all for now. Come back on Monday, Mar 10th, for my Classic Film Night review of Fight Club. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

Monday, March 3, 2025

A Look Back at Daredevil


With Born Again arriving tomorrow it's once again time for me to look back at what started it all.

Daredevil (aka Netflix's Daredevil) was a comic book tv series based on the Marvel Comics' character with the same name and is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The companies in charged on production were Marvel Television, ABC Studios, Goddard Textiles, and DeKnight Productions and was shown on Netflix. The series was created by Drew Goddard. The series consisted of three season and had a total of thirty-nine episodes.

The story is, after his father was murdered for not throwing a box match, Matt Murdock swore his protect Hell's Kitchen both as a lawyer and as the vigilante later known as Daredevil. Every challenge that crosses Matt will test him both physically and mentally and Matt must do whatever he can to stop these threats but also stop himself from going over the edge.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing.

  • Mix

The slight issue comes from pacing. For the most part despite their length episodes can move very smoothly. However, sometimes you do get episodes were the pacing isn't bad it's just decent. So if you're binge watching there might be times where you can almost feel the length.

  • Positives

Let's start off with the tone. The tone is very gritty and dark. It's one of the few MCU products where things are taken very seriously and I love it. Even if the series is close to ten years old, it's still refreshing to see a show like this not be treated as one big joke.

Then there's Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio's performances. These two kill it as Matt Murdock/Daredevil and Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin. Whether separate or sharing the screen together, Cox & D'Onofrio are spectacular. They're so phenomenal that both of them could've had monologues about potato chips and would've been the best monologue you've ever heard 😆. Yes, those two are that talented.

Now for the I remember the first time I saw the fight scenes. They were incredible then and after watching the show for this review, they're incredible now. There's so many fight scenes to choose from. The hallway fight, the stairwell fight, Daredevil vs. Punisher, Daredevil vs. Bullseye in a the church, etc. The choreography and the stunt work are masterfully done. As a fan of Daredevil I was so happy that the marital arts were treated with the upmost importance.

The last thing I'll praise is the storytelling. Season one was brilliantly done. It introduced the characters perfectly, did some good world building, and told a great story with Daredevil and the Kingpin heading for a collision course. Season two were introduced to the Punisher and Elektra, both of who come with their own interesting stories. Punisher's story is not only trying to figure how Frank goes from good soldier to violent vigilante, but also gives us a great clash of ideologies with Daredevil. Then there's Elektra story where we see her and Matt rekindle their old relationship, but also but a stop to an ancient evil. However, while I enjoyed those stories they weren't quite balanced. Whenever the Punisher story was front and centered, Elektra's would take a back seat and then there'd be a reverse. Still a good season, just a slight issue. With season three we're back to full greatness. We see the return of the Kingpin and how he wants revenge. And they crank it up with him, because during that season it felt like anybody could die. They even mixed up with Matt because now he's just being Daredevil 24/7. Sounds noble enough, but in doing so he's not allowing himself to heal. So you always got this worrying feeling that Matt could collapse at any moment. It's really intense stuff.

Guys, I love this show. While it can have its flaws, they don't really do any damage to the show, they're very forgivable. But with that out of the way, the show is amazing. I strongly recommend.

My final rating is, A MUST WATCH!

Fingers crossed that Born Again will be just as amazing. That's all for now. Come back on Saturday, Mar 8th where hopefully I'll have a review of Mickey 17. If I don't a review of that for one reason or the other, then come back on Monday, Mar 10th, for my Classic Film Night review of Fight Club. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.