Thursday, July 11, 2019

Road to Rambo V: Last Blood - Rambo III Review

Rambo III is a 1988 action adventure film and the third film in the Rambo franchise, following First Blood and Rambo: First Blood Part II. The movie is produced by Carolco Pictures and distributed by TriStar Pictures. Rambo III was written by Slyvester Stallone and Sheldon Lettich and directed by Peter MacDonald.

The story is Rambo is sets out to save his longtime friend Col. Trautman. But while Rambo must save his friend he also must stop a ruthless Soviet Army colonel from conquering Afghanistan.

  • Negatives

One of the biggest issues I think anybody is going to have with this movie is well it's outdated. I mean the first two movies messages, the first one being about PTSD and the other being that sadly government officials do cover-ups this one was about helping out Afghanistan from Russian forces. Yes, Russia did invade Afghanistan and America did help but by the time the film was released that was way over. What also doesn't help the viewing experience is well...look how Afghanistan is today. Kind of makes the movie awkward to watch.

The other problem with the movie is for whatever reason we're introduced to a kid character named Hamid, who is pointless. No for real there's no reason for him to help Rambo rescue Trautman. But for whatever reason the writers though it was a good idea. I mean sure he's not in the action that much but still the character wasn't needed.

  • Mix

The real grey area for this flick is the action. While entertaining there are times when it felt like they were remaking some of the scenes from Rambo: First Blood Part II.

  • Positives

One thing I liked about the movie is the high stakes. Not only his Rambo on a rescue mission but his also liberating an entire group of people. What also made the stakes better this time was Rambo's buddy Trautman was in even more danger than he was in the previous film.

The other thing I'll give the film credit for is the acting. While not as good as the previous films is still pretty solid. Heck even the kid isn't bad.

Rambo III while still an enjoyable film is quite forgettable. The issues being the very outed premise of helping Afghanistan, and Hamid being really pointless. The action scenes while still good can be at times a repeat on the second film. The only really good aspect of Rambo III is the stakes and the acting.

My final rating is Okay

So yeah, while I still find this movie fun it's safe to say you can skip this one. Now that's all for me, come back next time on Monday, July 15th when I return to the Road to Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker with my review of one of the best sequels made Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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