Oh boy. Much like Reefer Madness, Troll 2, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Batman & Robin and Battlefield Earth, I've been DYING to do this one!
The Room is an independent drama film. The movie was produced by Wiseau-Films and distributed by Chloe Productions and TPW Films. The Room was written and directed by Tommy Wiseau.
The story is Johnny is a successful banker who's life seems to be going pretty well for both him and his fiancée Lisa. However, a lot of bad and confusing things to happen in Johnny's life that's turning it all upside down.
My Thoughts
One thing that's pretty...what's the proper word...interesting, about the movie is Tommy Wiseau's name is everywhere. He's the top billed star, he's the director, he's the writer, he's the producer, and etc. As I was watching the movie I was starting to wonder if there was every going to be a time when he's name DIDN'T pop up in the opening credits.
Then we have the quality of the film. Here's a screenshot to give you a basic idea of what I'm talking about.
Now you could argue that they were working on a very small budget, and it was 2003 so film technology wasn't the best for very small movies, but when I've seen 2003 indie films and tv movies have better quality then this, I don't know if there really could be an excuse.
Then we have Denny........Denny creeps me out! Why you may ask? Well, get a load of this scene.
If somebody every said that to be me whether I have a girlfriend or just some one night stand, I would want that person out of my life immediately.
Then we have the acting. It's....it's....I don't know how to describe it. I mean it's bad, no debate about that. But it's one of those kinds of bad acting, that even if you were to reenact it, you'd be doing a better performance then the actual actor or actress.
We also have the story. If you can even call it that. At best there is some sort of story going on with Johnny, but some parts of the movie are either pointless or there brought up and never spoken of again. For instance, Denny (the creep) owes some very bad people some money. Later on he almost gets killed, he tells his friends about his situation, and then that's it. Then whole storyline is never talked about or hinted at ever again.
Which now brings me to the dialogue. Get a load of this.
Believe me when I say, you get a lot more gems like this (😂).
Now as you read, I didn't give a full detailed post about what goes on in this movie. And that's because The Room is one of those bad movies, that absolutely have to been seen to be believed. The best way to describe it is, picture aliens from a far, far, far, far away planet and they try making a movie, of what they think human beings are like. That's The Room, and it's amazing.
My final rating is So Bad, It's Good.
I had such a blast with this one folks. Well, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Dec 2nd for my review of 1966's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.