Monday, January 29, 2018

Critics, Journalist, and Bloggers Leave Zack Snyder Alone

Image result for zack snyder
Leave this man alone.

  So eight months ago I made rant about people who hate Zack Snyder but not just insulting him as a filmmaker but also insulting him when he left Justice League because his daughter sadly committed suicide. If you want more information on that post here's a link Now I actually had hoped by that time things would get better..well unfortunately no it hasn't in matter of fact some could say it's gotten worse. So yes I'm making another rant but this time I'm going to highlight just how much critics and/or bloggers hate this man. Then I'll tell why it's very concerning, why they should move on, then give you Snyder fans a special message.

How They Really Feel

Now if you go on Twitter I swear critics , journalist, and bloggers can't say the nicest things about him. Don't believe me well get a load of this.

Because nothing says I'm a rational human than saying somebody should have a bullet in their forehead.

Image result for lindsay ellis i have a good authority
Exactly what authority or evidence does she have? Also apparently Lindsay didn't do any research because Snyder's mom has been dead for years.

If any of you have watched a Zack Snyder film you know that's not the case. Also if Zack hates women why did he work on Wonder Woman with Patty Jenkins and if he hates queer people why did he hire Ezra Miller (a very openly gay actor) to play The Flash?

Image result for priscilla page snyder is nice to his mom
What is with these people and thinking Snyder hates his mom? I'm starting to think their the ones with mommy issues. How does he's take on superheroes indicate that he hates his mom? That makes no sense.

So I think all of get the basic idea. Now I have no problem with people not liking Snyder's films as long as it's constructive criticism but the way these people talk about both him and his films it's kind of troubling.

Critics, Journalist, and Bloggers...LET IT GO ALREADY!

So as nicely as I can put this these people seriously need to let it go. Their obsession with hating this one director and only him has been going on since 2013. Why did I say that because that's the same year Man of Steel came out it's also the same year that they went crazy but not too crazy. Then when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice came out two years ago that was the moment they official lost it. Because it almost seems like these professionals (or suppose to be professionals) should be put in a mental asylum. That's how horrible they've become. They need to get over that fact that Snyder had no intention of making Superman be like the Christopher Reeve's Superman or make Batman just be a copy and paste version of Christian Bale's Batman. But most importantly they just need to leave him alone. Just because it didn't make the movie or movies you wanted him to make that doesn't mean you get to harass & belittle him endlessly. And you definitively shouldn't play the victim card because his fans or the DCEU fanbase called you out and your disgusting behavior especially since you intentionally decide to insult him, his work, or his fanbase.

A Special Message to Snyder Fans

Now if any of you think your as bad as critics, journalist, and bloggers want you to believe here are just for liking Zack Snyder films whether there DC films or not. I want you to remember a few things. Your not the ones who say things like Zack was masturbating to the destruction in Man of Steel, your not the ones who were gleeful when he had decide to step down from Justice League because of his daughter's suicide, your not the ones who said he's a sexist, racist, homophobic bigot, your not the ones who said he should get a bullet in his forehead, and your definitely not the ones who said he hates his mother. And since you never said any of these things about him this makes you better than any these people.

Also if any of you are fans of Zack Snyder or are interested in him @fukujang0627 has made this great site called not despite the title it is in know why demanding a Snyder Cut of Justice League. Mainly what the site is it discusses Snyder's work and has videos of things that were cut from Justice League. So yeah check out the site I like and I think you guys will like it to.

So any how guys I just wanted to get this off my chest. It's been bothering me for quite awhile now and I just had to get it out of my system. But don't worry on February 1st I'll be more positive what with my list of DC Elseworld stories I want to be movies. So look out for that.

State of The Project (Jan 1st - Feb 1st)

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes & New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Jan 15th - Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club

Jan 18th - Classic Film Night - Inception Review

Jan 25th - Batman: Gotham by Gaslight Review

Jan 29th - Critics, Journalist, and Bloggers Leave Zack Snyder Alone

Feb 1st - The Top 8 Elseworld Stories I Want To Be Movies


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight Review

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Batman: Gotham by Gaslight is an animated superhero film based on the first DC Esleworlds comic of the same name. The movie is the thirtieth film in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies series and the third DC animated film to be Rated R. Gotham by Gaslight is produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment and distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. The movie is written by James Krieg and directed Sam Liu.

The story takes place in the Victorian era. During this time a man going by the name of Jack the Ripper is killing women in Gotham. Also Bruce Wayne has returned and has become the Batman. With he's new persona Bruce must stop Jack's killing spree before more women are murdered.

  • Negatives

My only complaint is the ending. After Batman and Jack the Ripper are done fighting the movie just kind of stops. We don't get to know what happens afterwards.

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. So let's move on.

  • Positives

One of my favorite things about Gotham by Gaslight is the action. We get a lot of good fight scenes. My favorite one is the final showdown between Batman and Jack the Ripper. I won't give it away it's best if you watch for yourself.

Another thing to love is the voice performances. Especially from Bruce Greenwood and Jennifer Carpenter. I already loved Greenwood as Batman and after the movie was over I hope to hear Jennifer do more voice work for DC.

The movie did in change some things from the graphic novel but I don't think it's anything about get bent out of shape about. One of the things the filmmakers changed was who the killer is. At first I wasn't a fan but when you rewatch the film it makes sense.

Now on to the animation. For what it's worth it is good animation especially for direct-to-video standards. Not one scene had me think that looked awful or could have been done better.

Batman: Gotham by Gaslight had a lot riding on it to be a success and I got a say this may be one of my top favorite DC animated movies. The action is awesome, the voice actors did a good job being their respected characters, the animation is nice, and the changes can be easily brushed off. The only thing I wasn't a fan of is how it ended.

My final rating is Great

Well I had a better time with this movie than I thought I would. But I'm not done with Esleworld just yet. Because on February 1st I'll countdown eight Esleworld stories I hope DC turns into movies.

State of The Project (Dec 28th - Jan 29th)

Dec 28th - Thank You and Have a Happy New Year

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes & New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Jan 15th - Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club

Jan 18th - Classic Film Night - Inception Review

Jan 25th - Batman: Gotham by Gaslight Review

Jan 29th - Critics, Journalist, & Bloggers Leave Zack Snyder Alone


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Classic Film Night - Inception Review

Hi everyone and welcome to my second new segment Classic Film Night. Now just like I did with Is It True? I'll explain what this new segment is. Basically where Cinematic Disasters is me reviewing the worst films ever made Classic Film Night is where I review the best films ever made. And that's pretty much it. So let's review 2010's Inception.

Inception is a 2010 science-fiction movie produced by Legendary Pictures and Syncopy and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Inception was written and directed by Christopher Nolan.

The story is a thief named Dominick Cobb has the rare ability to enter other people's dreams and steal their secrets from inside their head. By doing this he has tons of success but he has lost the ones he loved. Then one day he's given a chance of redemption by doing the impossible. Plant an idea in someone's head. But the question is will he succeed again or fail.

My Thoughts

One of the things to love about this movie is the performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page. Their chemistry together was something at first I thought wasn't going to work but throughout the whole movie they do well together.

Another to love about this movie is the concept itself. The concept being people can enter other people's dreams to extract information they need. I loved that back in 2010 and love it to this very day.

Now to since this movie is all about dreaming does that mean we get awesome scenes. Yeah we do. The filmmakers did so many creative, interesting, and new things and what you can do with dreams. One of my favorite scenes it's even an action scene it's when Dominick (DiCaprio) is laying down the rules of what you can and shouldn't do in the dream world to Ariadne (Page).

The film was won an Academy Award for Best Cinematography. And after watching this movie again I can see why. There was so many great and well crafted shots in this movie that it's hard to pick which one you love the most.

Another thing I loved about Inception is no predictable moments. Not once in this movie did I expect something to happen in the way I thought it was going to happen. Yes I have seen this film three times already but despite that the movie still surprises me.

One of the other good aspects to the movie is Han Zimmer's score. I swear he can not make a bad score. Zimmer is so good that I don't know any other way to describe his music.

The other good thing about Inception is that it never drags on. Each scene is well pasted and live I said before none of them drag on to the point where your saying "end it already".

What I also love about Inception is the action scenes. I especially love the action scenes when their in the dream world because thing we can get crazy things like them floating in mid air. It's awesome.

Inception was definitely the film to watch in 2010 and it's definitely a film you should watch now. The cast have great performances, the concept is spectacular, the dream sequences are amazing, the cinematography is beautiful, there's no predictable outcome, Han Zimmer's score is great, and the action scenes are badass.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Well that was fun. I do plan to do another one of these I just haven't decide what film it will be. After all we do have many great films out there. But when I find the film that I'm looking for it will be down below on the State of The Project. Until then look forward to my review for DC's latest animated movie Batman: Gotham by Gaslight coming next week.

State of The Project (Dec 25th - Jan 25th)

Dec 25th - Underrated Films - Arthur Christmas

Dec 28th - Thank You and Have a Happy New Year

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes & New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Jan 15th - Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club

Jan 18th - Classic Film Night - Inception Review

Jan 25th - Batman: Gotham by Gaslight Review


Monday, January 15, 2018

Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club

Image result for calvin and hobbes fight club
Artwork Belongs to It's Respected Owner

Hey guys and welcome to one of my two new segments Is It True? If any of you don't know what this is let me explain. Is It True? is where I tell you about fan theories about either a movie, TV show, etc. Then after I tell you what the property is I tell you what the theory is about. After all of that I do my best to debunk it. Now with all that out of the way let's get into today's topic.

What is Calvin and Hobbes?

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Calvin and Hobbes was a daily comic strip created by American cartoonist Bill Watterson. The comic ran from November 18, 1985 to December 13, 1995. The ongoing story tells the humorous antics of Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes. However since Calvin is very imaginative and sees Hobbes as an anthropomorphic Tiger.

What is Fight Club?

See the source image

Fight Club is 1999 American film based on Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novel of the same name. The movie stars Edward Norton and Brad Pitt and is directed by David Fincher. The story is The Narrator (who's real name is never given) is tired with his life and white-collared job. One day he meets soap maker Tyler Durden and they then form a "fight club". Throughout the movie as the "fight club" grows things start to get out of hand.

The Theory

Image result for calvin and hobbes fight club

The theory goes like this. Calvin is a grown up version of The Narrator and Hobbes is Tyler Durden but Calvin reimaged him in a completely different way. The theory states when Calvin reaches seventh grade he's bullied by all the other kids so he decides to unimage Hobbes. But Hobbes or the very idea of him stills remains in Calvin's mind but a darker corner of it. While Hobbes my not be around he stills waits for Calvin to free and his still sees what goes on in Calvin's mind. Then when e Calvin is all grown up he brings Hobbes back but this time as Tyler Durden.

Is The Theory Believable?

So now that you know what Calvin and Hobbes, Fight Club, and what the theory it's time to decide if it's believable or not. My final verdict on the theory is I'm not buying. Mainly the theory is based on the fact that Hobbes and Tyler Durden aren't real but imagine and that's it. We're kind of grasping at straws here. But besides that let's break this down into simple steps.

1. Why did Calvin change his name? Also if you pay attention to Fight Club the movie hints at maybe The Narrator's name is Jack. Last time I checked Jack is not a nickname or has any relation to the name Calvin.

2. If Calvin did Hobbes back why did he image him to be so violent? I know we as people face a lot of hardships in life and sometimes want to act on our more violet tendencies but If Calvin was having such a terrible life shouldn't he want a more positive enforcement?

3. Now while both Calvin and Hobbes and The Narrator and Tyler do have their own boys only club. Calvin and Hobbes being GROSS (Get Rid Of Slimy girlS) and The Narrator and Tyler's being well Fight Club. But this two clubs have nothing in common.

4. Also if Hobbes and Tyler are the same imaginary friend why are they so different? Hobbes is a very rational tiger with a calm, cool, and collective personality. Tyler Durden while is calm, cool, and can be collective is still very much a psycho.

And then there's so many other things that trow a wrench in this theory but let's just move on. So in short I not buying this theory. But just because I don't believe it still makes for a very interesting story.

So that's going to do it for this edition of Is It True? I will without a shadow of a doubt being doing another one of these in the near future. And while this is my first one I'm already having fun with this new segment.

State of The Project (Dec 21st - Jan 18th)

Dec 21st - Bad Santa Review

Dec 25th - Underrated Films - Arthur Christmas

Dec 28th - Thank You and Have a Happy New Year

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes and New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Jan 15th - Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club

Jan 18th - Classic Film Night - Inception Review


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Disclaimer: I could be wrong on some details. So take this post with a grain of salt.

Poster for the film.

Hey everyone and welcome to the first Raiders of The Lost Media of 2018. And this time I have returned to lost movies. But not just any lost movie but a lost Steven Spielberg film. So let's get started.

Part One - What is Firelight?

Firelight is a 1964 science-fiction film directed to Steven Spielberg when he was just 17 years old. This film was released by Spielberg independently. While it is lost most of the ideas Spielberg came up with in this movie would later be used for his 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

Part Two - The Plot

The story follows a group of scientist particularly Tony Karcher and UFO believer Howard Richards as they investigate strange occurrences. Such as a series of colored lights in the sky and the weird disappearances of people, animals, and objects from their town of Freeport, Arizona.

Part Three - Audience Screening

The film was made with a budget of just $500, and was only publicly screened at his local Arizona theater (once known as the Phoenix Little Theater) on March 24, 1964 to an audience of 500. The film sold 500 tickets at 1 dollar a price. Firelight would have broke even if it weren't for one audience member paying double, bringing the total profit to a single dollar.

Part Four - Lost Reels

While job hunting in Los Angeles, Spielberg brought two of his master reels of the film to a producer in order to showcase his filmmaking abilities. However just one week later the production company went bankrupt and shut down. Spielberg's reels were never returned. To this day the reels have never been found and the film only remains viewable in uncompleted states.

Part Five - Videos

Some of the surviving footage has been made available online with one YouTuber putting together some of the film's remaining footage.

Also during his 1999 interview with Inside The Actors Studio, Steven Spielberg briefly talked about the movie.

So that's going to do it for this edition of Raiders of The Lost Media. I'll do another one of these in March what with Avengers: Infinity War coming out this year. So look out for that.

State of The Project (Dec 18th - Jan 15th)

Dec 18th - What You Probably Didn't Know About A Christmas Story

Dec 21st - Bad Santa Review

Dec 25th - Underrated Films - Arthur Christmas

Dec 28th - Thank You and Have a Happy New Year

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes & New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)

Jan 15th - Is It True? - Calvin and Hobbes Started Fight Club


Monday, January 1, 2018

There's Going to Be Some Changes & New Segments

Hello everyone and welcome to 2018. So this is either depending on how you look at it bad news or good news. What I want to tell you is I'm changing the way I post stuff on my blog. Instead of it being on a weekly schedule I'm now going to do things on a bi-weekly schedule. Now for anybody who doesn't know what bi-weekly means it means you'll get new content every other two weeks. For example on January 1st you have this announcement then on January 4th you'll have a new Raiders of The Lost Media. Then two weeks later on January 15th and January 18th you'll have something new. The reason why I'm doing this is because I want to get rid of some stress. I admit despite how I have a pretty relaxed personality I still get stressful. So by doing this I'll have a lot less to worry about and I'll have more time to figure out what I'm going to work on next. Also look on the bright side of this. With this new scheduling you might see more of What You Probably Didn't Know About and Differences Between. But don't worry I have some good news. I'll have two brand new segments to this blog. The first new segment is Is It True? where I examine and explain if a fan conspiracy theory to a movie, TV show, or video game is believable or not. I'll have a lot of fun with that one. I did want to do Is It True? last year but I decided to save for 2018. The second new segment is Classic Film Night. Where if you could guess by the title I review films that are classics or are the most well-received by critics or other film buffs. Think of it as the opposite to Cinematic Disasters. So I hope you all understand why I'm going this new scheduling and I hope your all excited about the new segments. Until then prepare for Is It True? and Classic Film Night in two weeks. Oh I almost forgot there are going to be times when I disobey this rule so if that ever happens it's not because I'm going back to the old schedule it's just me making an exception.

State of The Project (Dec 16th - Jan 4th)

Dec 16th - Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi Review

Dec 18th - What You Probably Didn't Know About A Christmas Story

Dec 21st - Bad Santa Review

Dec 25th - Underrated Films - Arthur Christmas

Dec 28th - Thank You and Have a Happy New Year

Jan 1st - There's Going To Be Some Changes & New Segments

Jan 4th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Firelight (The Lost Steven Spielberg Film)