Cruella is a crime comedy-drama based on the character of Cruella de Vil. The movie is produced by Walt Disney Pictures, Gunn Films, and Marc Platt Productions and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Cruella is written by Aline Brosh McKenna, Kelly Marcel, and Steve Zissis and directed by Craig Gillespie.
The story is it's 1970's London and a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself in the fashion industry. Estella soon meets fashion legend Baroness von Hellman, soon this relationship sets a course for Estella from being a sweet, innocent girl to the wicked and crazed Cruella.
Initial Reaction
What caught my interest was going by the trailer it seemed like this was going to be a darker Disney movie than what we've been seeing recently from them. A lot of people were saying this could be Disney's version of Joker. An understandable comparison because both trailers were giving off that vibe, I doubt Disney would go full blown rated R like that movie but the main point is, I liked how different the movie seemed.
My only problem with the movie was I wished they cut out the connection to 101 Dalmatians. What I mean by that is other than the character of Anita, there was really no reason for those other things to be in there. Such as that mid-credit scene, that felt really pointless to add. Kind of makes me wonder if the filmmakers wanted that in there or Disney wanted that.
Middle Ground
One mix bag feeling I had with Cruella I had was the use of songs. I didn't mind hearing I lot of them, some I sung along to but, I felt like those songs really overshadowed the score. So much so I don't remember I single piece of the score just the songs they used. So I really felt like they could've tone it down with the soundtrack. My other gray are with the movie was Cruella's character. While she does do and say things that make us say "Yes. That's Cruella." But some aspects they did make her seem more like an anti-hero. Now both Emma Stone and Emma Thompson have said they want to make a sequel, so IF that happens then maybe that movie will show Cruella further go down her path of villainy.
One thing that made this movie enjoyable was Emma Stone's performance. She absolutely nailed it with this character and I do believe she was having a lot of fun doing it. Another thing that made Cruella pretty good was Gillespie's directing. The guy really did shoot a beautiful yet pretty dark movie. Speaking of dark, I was very surprised by how dark the movie. And because of that tone it actually felt like Disney took a risk allowing this movie to be made. Which me and a lot of other critics/movie buffs very pleased. What I also liked about the film was the Baroness. She was a really good villain, she was ruthless, mean, and really twisted. The last thing I'll give this movie credit for is well so twist and turns are predictable, the biggest twist of them all in this movie was one I actually didn't see coming.
Cruella is a movie that I think is worth giving a look at. Emma Stone's performance was great, Gillespie's directing was also great, there was an actual risk what with the movie's tone, the Baroness was a vicious villain, and the twist was a big surprise. The gray areas were the overuse of songs and Cruella's characterization. The only thing I didn't like was how the connections to 101 Dalmatians (other than one character) really didn't seem to be there.
My final rating is Good.
So that's all for me. I'm hoping I'll be able to have a review for A Quiet Place Part II up by Jun 3rd but right now, the question of my local theater opening back up seems to be 50/50.....or given my luck 40/60. Whatever the case if I don't have that review up then come back on Saturday, Jun 5th for my review of The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.