Friday, March 10, 2017

Kong: Skull Island Review

 Kong: Skull Island is the eighth King Kong film and the second film in Legendary's MonsterVerse following 2014's Godzilla.

The story is that a team of scientist, soldiers, and adventurers go to a supposed uncharted as they further explore the island they learn they are not alone.

  • Negatives

One bad thing about this film is once were introduced to the character James Conrad(Tom Hiddleston) two guys try to I guess mug him and he beats them up with a pool cue but the editing just made it look like a series of jump cuts.

Another thing is for some weird reason the director Jordan Vogt-Richards had some shots were it looked like a first person shooter game it's just a few seconds but it looked so odd to me.

The final bad thing I'll say about this film is Brie Larson's character and Kong get on good terms pretty quick. They meet like two times and they all ready have a bond.

  • Mix

One aspect I'm in a grey area is the human characters I didn't hate them but they could have used some work. They do try to give us some development for example Tom Hiddleston's character tells us a story about his father but other than that he's just another action hero. Also they give Samuel L. Jackson's character a very interesting trait and that is he's not comfortable with being in a safe & calm place he loves being in anything that is a warzone but once Kong appears he then turns into Captain Ahab like I said I didn't hate any characters I just wish there was more to them.

  • Positives

Now let's talk about the thing we all wanted to see and that's Kong just beating the hell out of all the other creatures on Skull Island and it's awesome! Every time Kong went on a rampage whether it be destroying all the soldiers or fighting other monsters I got excited it was just so badass.

Speaking of Kong and the other monsters let's talk about there designs. Kong definitely looks great they really put some time to make sure he looked as cool as possible also this film does something that I liked in the Peter Jackson film from 2005 and that was they gave him scars it's little detail I like because it just shows how much of fighter King Kong is. Also the "Skull Crawlers" those are the other monsters in the film they looked pretty cool I liked how their heads actually had a skull looking design to them and their not giving that name just to sound cool.

Also the film does put some humor in here. Now I'm not going to say every joke will make you laugh because some of them won't I didn't laugh at all of them but most of them will some of them come from John C. Reilly.

On a quick note because this is a movie that's part of a cinematic universe we have a post-credit scene let me just say I recommend staying to see it I think it gives you a nice set up for Godzilla vs. Kong.

While Kong: Skull Island has some flaws and I do wish the human characters had more to them than what were giving this film is enjoyable seeing Kong just tear through anything that gets in his path was sweet and the looks on both him and the Skull Crawlers are well done, the humor does work on some occasions and that post-credit scene is definitely worth staying in the theater for.

My final rating for this movie is Good.

Also on another quick said note I'm glad this reboot didn't giving us yet another story about the greed of mankind like the 1976 and 2005 version did thank you for that Kong: Skull Island.

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