Saturday, September 11, 2021

Malignant Review


Malignant is a supernatural slasher movie that is produced by Atomic Monster Productions, New Line Cinema, Starlight Media, and Midas Innovation and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Malignant is written by Akela Cooper and directed by James Wan.

The story is a woman named Madison is having terrifying visions of grisly murders committed by a man named Gabriel. At first she believes they're just nightmares, but she soon realizes that these aren't nightmares but realities. Can Madison find a way to overcome this terrifying experience or will Gabriel win in the end?

Initial Reaction

My one true reason for wanting to see this was James Wan. The guy can just direct horror. Saw was a horror movie that kids at my school who somehow managed to see was all they could talk about, I liked Insidious, I don't think I really need to say anything about The Conjuring. And even if the movie isn't in the horror genre the guy nails it. Everybody I know loves Furious 7, and he killed it with Aquaman.


I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

Middle Ground

The one and only thing that's a gray area is the movie does start off pretty slow, but once we start to learn more and more about Gabriel things not only start picking up, but also get completely insane. So I think you'll be willing to forgive the movie for that slow beginning.


One thing I absolutely want to praise the film is this one of the most crazies and most unpredictable horror movies I've seen this year. At first I thought I had everything figured out, but nope. The movie truly does keep you guessing of what's going to happen next. Speaking of guessing, I want to give praise to the twist. At first I thought I figured it out, and I was somewhat right I was just a little bit off. I won't of course give it away, but what I will say is the twist is gonna make you scream "WHAT THE F*CK?!,". What I also enjoyed about Malignant was this is an original story. I can't tell you how much I was loving this brand new story, and the lore that both James Wans and Akela Cooper brought to us. It was quite a refreshing horror story. Since I brought up James Wants that's a perfect time to bring up his directing. Once again with his previous horror films, this one shows that the guy just knows how to direct horror. He sets up a lot of suspense. And he also shot an amazing prison escape sequence, that was a scene I could watch on repeat and never get bored. The last thing I'll give Malignant credit for is the score. Joseph Bishara gave what I believe an amazing set of music for the movie. I especially liked the opening song, "It's Happened Before", and "In My House".

Honestly I had an absolute blast with Malignant. It's insane and unpredictable, it's got a very disturbing twist, it's original, Wan once again shows how great he is at directing horror, and I loved the score. The slight downside is it does take a while to really get things going, but once we really get into gear oh boy, are we in for a trip.

My final rating is Good.

So yeah, I think you should give this movie a watch. Anyways, that's all for me. Come back on Monday, Sept 13th for A Look Back at review for one of my favorite childhood shows, Courage the Cowardly Dog. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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