Monday, January 24, 2022

Differences Between First Blood (Movie) & First Blood (Book)


Hello everyone, and welcome back to Differences Between. Where I take two properties and tell the differences between them. Today it's all about Rambo, more specifically First Blood. Let's begin.

Now both the movie and the book start off pretty much the same way. But some that was added in was Rambo going to meet an old war buddy of his, until he got some bad news. But what also made this such a big differences between the two was the movie's opening was getting us to side with Rambo, while the book was balancing where you'd feel sympathetic the most.

Another key differences between the two was Sheriff Teasle arresting Rambo. In the movie Teasle instantly doesn't like Rambo because of his whole drifter look and takes him a ride out of town, and when Rambo starts walking back, Teasle arrest him. In the book, Teasle give Rambo a ride out of town two times, and when he came back a third time he arrested him. Also, something that happened in the book that didn't happen in this whole sequence was Rambo going to a diner, when he came back into the small town a second time.

What also separated the two was Rambo's escape from the police. The movie verison has him going crazy when one of the officers brings a razor to shave him, which in return triggers his PTSD. This would cause Rambo to beat up anyone that got in his way, and then steal a motorcycle and ride into the forest. The escape the book provided was Rambo's hair was about to be cut, which makes him panic, but then when the razor is introduced his PTSD goes off in full force. Rambo would later take the razor and cut the deputy with it. Then he escapes on a motorcycle and hides. Also, during that sequence Rambo was naked, while in the movie he still had his clothes on.

What also separates the two is Rambo's knife. Ever since the movie First Blood, this has become Rambo's iconic weapon and other than the headband is the most frequent things people think about whenever they hear the character's name. In the book he simply doesn't have a knife.

Another difference is Rambo's travels. For the movie verison we kind of get a feeling that Rambo probably travels around a lot, but we're never given any more info. For the book we're told that Rambo went to fifteen other towns, where even then we was treated poorly. Rambo even goes on to say that the Sheriff wasn't even as bad as the previous people he's encountered. But after dealing with everything for so long, he got sick of it.

Another differences is Rambo's hideout. For the movie he hides in a cave. Wouldn't be such a bad idea, if there wasn't rats trying to take a bite out of him. Luckily Rambo didn't get too hurt during this very creepy moment. In the novel, he's taking shelter in a cave filled with bats. And unlike the rats those creatures didn't even bother with him.

What also separates the two Rambo is the way they go about doing things. In the movie Rambo actually doesn't kill anyone. Sure, an officer did die, but that wasn't his fault. The book however....damn. The book Rambo is way more brutal. He has a huge bodycount that would probably put him in the same league as a horror movie villain.

Still going to talk about the whole Rambo's a killer thing, so let's continue on that. Now like I said in the movie Rambo isn't killing anyone. Yes, all of the men hunting him down are hurt, but they'll still live. In the book, not only is Rambo killing things left and right, but in said book in his mind he's trying to justify his killings.

And there are some of the differences between First Blood the movie, and First Blood the book. There were a lot more but, I feel like you should watch the movie and read the book because Rambo is such a classic.

But, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Jan 27th for my Road to The Batman, with my review of The Dark Knight Rises. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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