Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Look Back at Avatar (2009)


Avatar (aka James Cameron's Avatar) is an epic sci-fi film that's produced by 20th Century Fox, Lightstorm Entertainment, Dune Entertainment, and Ingenious Film Partners and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Avatar was written and directed by James Cameron.

The story is paralyzed former Marine Jake Sully has been assigned to go to the planet of Pandora, which is the home to the Na'vi. Because the planet is poisonous to humans, he's linked to a human/Na'vi hybrid that are called Avatars. After spending so much time with the Na'vi, and falling in love with one, Jake and the Na'vi will now have to prepare for a war.

  • Negatives

Nothing bad to say here folks, just move on to the next part.

  • Mix

Let's just get this out of the way. Yes, we've seen story of a stranger with another group of people, who befriends the supposed bad group of people. But, just because we've gotten this story before, that doesn't mean we should write an entire movie off. I mean how many revenge flicks do we have? Over 100, maybe even over a 1,000? What we should be focused on, is how the movie presents the story, and in Avatar's case it doesn't do too bad of job. The slight problem comes from predictability, but I think that's easy to brush off because the movie does do an outstanding job giving you a great experience.

  • Positives

Now let's get another thing out of the way. The CGI is absolutely beautiful. James Cameron and co., give us such breathtaking CG. This film is 12 years old, and the CG still holds up today. A matter of fact, the CGI is a lot better than some of the stuff we get today.

Then we have James Cameron's directing. I don't know if there's any praise I can give him for this movie, that hasn't already been said before. Usually I could tell which shot or shots are my favorite, but with everything I saw after re-watching this, I just can't. There were so many gorgeous visuals throughout the whole movie, that it's really hard to pick from.

James Cameron is obviously no stranger when it comes to action. He's directed The Terminator, Aliens, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and True Lies. So it shouldn't have come as surprised both back then and now, that this film did and does contain great action scenes. It's big and exciting, but what there was something I didn't realize the very first time I've watched. That's despite, for the most part, being a huge CGI film, the action felt very grounded. Sure,we all know it's CG, but what Cameron and co. managed to pull off with this, was despite being CGI was everything still had a weight to it.

The biggest praise I'll give the film is it's world building. When the story isn't focused on Jake's mission, his love story, and the perviously mentioned action, the movie takes its time explaining to us what we needed or wanted to know about Pandora, the Na'vi, and so forth. It would've been easy for Cameron to give us the bare minimum, and thus leaving us wondering more about this world. Instead we're given in great detail of what the world is, how it functions, and the culture of the Na'vi.

Guys, I loved Avatar back in 2009, and I love it now in 2022. Yes, I admitted the story is flawed in some areas, but with everything else I mentioned, you can forgive that. Like I said we were given spectacular CGI, Cameron showing us why he's a great director, top notch action sequences, and perfectly done world building.

My final rating is Great.

With all of the praise I've just given, it really makes me wonder how James Cameron is out do himself with The Way of Water and the other sequels? Guess I'll just have to find this Friday and you'll find out this Saturday with my review of said Avatar: The Way of Water. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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