Monday, August 7, 2023

Is It True? - Nemo Wasn't Real


Man, it's been a long time since I did one of these. Anyhow, let's get started with today's newest fan theory.

Who is Nemo?

For any of you that don't know, Nemo is a character that appears in both 2003's Finding Nemo and the 2016 sequel Finding Dory. In his story he was kidnapped by scuba divers, and while this is happening his father (Marlin) goes above and beyond to find. In the sequel, both him and his dad agree to help their amnesiac friend Dory, find out who she is, and if her parents are still around.

The Theory

The theory goes something like this, at the start of the movie Marlin's wife and numerous kids (who are eggs at this point) are both tragically killed by a vicious predator. Marlin thinks everything he ever held dear is gone, that all changes when he finds one egg fully alive, or so we're lead to believe.

In actuality, Nemo isn't real. He's really just a grief-stricken imagination. Created as a way for Marlin to cope with his tragic loss. As for the journey he goes on, he's really just going through the five stages of grief.

Is The Theory Believable?

No. Simply no. Why? Well if any of you watched the movie, you would've seen other characters interacting with the supposedly made up Nemo.

The school kids interacted with Nemo, The Tank Gang interacted with Nemo, Dory herself interacts with him and even touches his face. And if Nemo isn't real then how did the filter in the tank get jammed? There's also the story with the dentist. Are we lead to believe he just scooped up nothing but a bag of water, and then give his niece said bag of nothingness as a gift for her birthday? Cause if that's the case, that's a dick of an uncle.

Also, we're really just going to have to believe Marlin imagined the entire movie? Including the scenes where he wasn't even there? Which is about half the movie.

That's all for now. Come back on Thursday, Aug 10th, for my Classic Film Night review of, American Graffiti. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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