Saturday, January 19, 2019

Glass Review

Glass is superhero thriller film and the final chapter to the Eastrail 177 TrilogyThe movie is produced by Buena Vista International, Blinding Edge Pictures, and Blumhouse Productions and distributed by Universal Pictures. Glass is written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

The story is David Dunn, Elijah Price, and Kevin Crumb are all being held up in a mental ward because Dr. Ellie Staple thinks they are suffering from delusions of grandeur. Then through a series of escalating events both David and Kevin will soon learn that Elijah holds secrets critical to both of them.

Initial Reaction

Now having enjoyed both Unbreakable and Split I was looking forward to Glass. While yes it's a sequel to two very good movies but what got me the most excited was that Shyamalan created he's own essentially comic book universe but with he's own original characters. Which is what drew me in the most. This franchise is it's own universe. It's not the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the DC Extended Universe where it's based on the Marvel or DC comics. It's not the MonsterVerse where it's a reboot of Godzilla and King Kong. And it's not Universal's Dark Universe (by the way does anybody know if that still has plans to continue) where it's a reboot of the Universal Monsters. So I was fully aboard for this movie.


I've got nothing to say. So let's move on.

Middle Ground

Now there are two very big twist in this movie. The first one I felt was a little bit predictable because I watched Split not too long ago for this film. So when it happens it's not quite shocking. The second twist on the other hand was beautiful. I loved it.


One part of the film to enjoy is how it focusses more on characters than what their abilities. So if you're looking for a big explosive film your not gonna get that. My absolute favorite thing about Glass was the villain's plan. I was almost going to be disappointed because I thought we gonna get this big plot where Elijah Prince was going to kill a bunch of people. Nope that wasn't it at all. I'm not giving it away so it's best if you just watch the movie to find out what it is. Another thing that got me by surprise was there's actually another villainous plan at play, and I'm just going to leave it at that. Now to discuss the performances. Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and James McAvoy are all spectacular. But I feel the best was James. Because come on. The guys playing 24 different characters. It automatically gets most of the credit. The other aspect of Glass you'll enjoy is the callbacks to both Unbreakable and Split. It was great. Although if you want to understand these you definitely have to watch the previous films. The final thing I'll praise the movie for is the ending. At first me and my buddy Brian were pissed. But once the film continues to show more and more of what's really going on. We both loved it. Once again I won't give it away just go watch the movie.

Glass is the perfect ending to this trilogy. There's more focus on characters than big fights, Elijah's plan was great, another diabolical plot was a nice twist, the performances get two thumbs up (especially McAvoy), the callbacks to previous installments were nice, and I loved that ending. One twist wasn't all that shocking but at the same time wasn't bad. It was just serviceable.

My final rating is Great

So guys I truly mean it when I say go see Glass. It's an amazing film. Then after that come back on Monday, January 28th because well... I gotta rant about some moviegoers that really sucked back in 2018. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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