Monday, February 25, 2019

Classic Film Night - Blazing Saddles

Blazing Saddles (1974)

Blazing Saddles is a 1974 satirical Western film. The movie is produced by Warner Bros. and Crossbow Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. The film was written Mel Brooks and Andrew Bergman and directed by Mel Brooks.

The story is a crafty railroad worker Bart is chosen to become the newest sheriff of Rock Ridge. After some time the town folk warm up to Bart and his new gunfighter friend Jim aka The Waco Kid. Soon Bart and Jim find out about a plan that will destroy Rock Ridge. Now Bart, Jim, and the citizens of Rock Ridge must fight back to save their beloved town.

My Thoughts

One thing to love about this film especially in today's world is this film has no filter. Which to me just adds to it's enjoyment. There is no way Blazing Saddles could be made today. The first 20 minutes only would have people go into a riot.

Another part of the movie to enjoy is something I never noticed before when I first viewed the film was it's not racist as you may think. The film actually makes fun of racism. I mean the writers actually point out how's stupid it is. The best part of it was they weren't afraid to use certain words to say that.

Now since this movie is a comedy does it contain funny moment?. Yes. There are a lot of scenes that had me laughing. That joke with the KKK is still hilarious to this day. I mean you have to watch this movie because explaining the jokes as they go down in the scenes doesn't work. It needs to been seen to be believed.

Blazing Saddles has some great cinematography. The movie looks and feels like the western movies it's parodying.

Another thing to love about Blazing Saddles is well our main character. Bart. Not only is he likable but I really liked the way he got the townsfolk to like him. He didn't to it by lecturing them he did by going about his day and saving them.

Blazing Saddles is a true comedy classic. It truly can't be made today, the writers deserve respect for talking racism in a comedic way, from start to finish it's hilarious, it has great cinematography, and Bart is an excellent protagonist.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Alright everyone that's going to do it for me. Come back next time on February 28th, Thursday when I return to my other segment Underrated Films. The film I'll be reviewing for that is Tim Burton's Ed Wood starring Johnny Deep. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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