Monday, May 6, 2019

Road to Dark Phoenix - X-Men: Days of Future Past Review

X-Men: Days of Future Past is a 2014 comic book film based the fictional superhero team the X-Men. It's a sequel to both 2006's X-Men: The Last StandX-Men: First Class, and 2013's The Wolverine. The story is based on the 1981 Uncanny X-Men two-part arc Days of Future Past. The movie was produced by 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment, TSG Entertainment, Bad Hat Harry Productions, and The Donners' Company. X-Men: Days of Future Past was written by Simon Kinberg, Matthew Vaughn, and Jane Goldman and directed by Bryan Singer.

The story is in the year 2023 the world is ruled by the Sentinels, robots that have been programmed to hunt down mutants and humans who dared to help them. A small group of surviving X-Men have send Wolverine to the past. His mission go back to 1973, find Charles Xavier, and stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

The true mix bag is how the Sentinels got their powers. They got their powers from Mystique because her cells can adapt. It's an odd thing because Mystique's powers aren't adapting to any mutant power it's just shapeshifting. The reason I find this a mix bag because one hand I understand why they had to do because a certain character who had an adapting power died in X-Men: First Class but at the same time it's just a bizarre thing for her character.

  • Positives

One thing I liked about the movie is it's villain Bolivar Trask. He is a very twisted scientist character. He just made my skin crawl whenever he discussed his research. So yeah Trask is a good villain for the movie.

The other part of Days of Future Past that makes it great is how it balances it's characters. We not one X-Men team but two and their both used perfectly.

Another aspect of the movie you'll enjoy is the action. From the very first scene you're know your in for a thrill ride.

This film was nominated for Best Visual Effects, I can see why. The special effects are just so we'll done. They really shine with the Sentinels. There's just so much great detail put into them.

Now to tell you about the performances. The actors are what truly make this movie amazing. We all know Hugh Jackman is great as Wolverine, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are still great as Professor X and Magneto. James McAvory and Michael Fassbender countined that chemistry they had in First Class for Days of Future Past and Jennifer Lawrence gave so much emotion for this flick.

X-Men: Days of Future Past is not only one of my favorite X-Men films but one of my favorite comic book films. Trask is a good villain, characters are nicely balanced, the action is awesome and worth rewatching over and over again, the special effects are done perfectly, and the performances are top notch. The only grey area is somehow Mystique's powers somehow led to being able to adapt to any other mutant power.

My final rating is Great

So I'm done for now. Come back on Thursday, May 9th for the final chapter of the Road to Toy Story 4 with my review of Toy Story 3. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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