Thursday, April 23, 2020

Differences Between Kick-Ass (comic) and Kick-Ass (movie)

Image result for kick-ass #1Kick-Ass Movie Poster

Hey guys, and welcome to a brand new Differenes Between. In this segment I take two properites based on the same source material and I run down what makes them different from each other. Now with that being said let's get to it.

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One of the biggest differences between the two is the violence. In the comic it's very bloody, gory, and pretty gross. In the movie while things are violent those scenes are very much toned down when compared to the comics.

the raw universe: Graphic World

Another key difference between the comic and the movie is the tones. In the comic it was very dark, gritty, and had a real world feel to it. The movie on the other hand while it has some serious moments overall I had a fun/comedic tone to it.

Lancelot (Kingsman) vs Big Daddy (Kick-Ass) - Battles - Comic VineBig Daddy | Kick-Ass Wiki | Fandom

Another difference is the costumes. In the comic the costumes are more a cloth material along with other design changes. One of the characters who went through a major change was Big Daddy. In the comic he has a brown mask, a dark gray chest armor, armor surrounding his arms and legs, and a trench coat. In the movie his suit resembles that of Batman. The only character who's costume remains somewhat the same is Kick-Ass, the only real difference being in the comic his mask covers everything expect his eyes while in the movie it's still the same mask but you can also see his mouth.

Another notable change is the main bad guys names. In the Kick-Ass comic their names are John and Chris Genoverse, in the movie Kick-Ass, the father and son's last names have been changed to D'Amico.

Katie Deauxma | Marvel Movies | Fandom

The other changed that occured was Dave's (Kick-Ass) relationship with Katie. In the movie Dave not only does he tell her he's not gay (long story just read the comic for my information) but also tells her he's Kick-Ass. At first she's frustrated with him but then forgives him and they become a couple for the rest of the movie. In the comic it was a completely different outcome. He never tells her he's Kick-Ass but he does tell her he's not gay but she's rightfully mad, has her boyfriend beat him up, and then sends him pics showing him how talented she is with her mouth. Yeah, there are a lot of messed up moments that didn't show up in the movie like they did in the comic.

Red Mist suit | Kick-Ass Wiki | FandomThe Red Mist screenshots, images and pictures - Comic Vine

Now back to Chris aka Red Mist. His character has a major change. In the comic he does seem like a cool guy at first but then it's revealed that he's quite the psychopath. He's so crazy that before Dave is about to be tourted he says how he has been waiting for that moment and admits that he pleasures himself to the mere thought. In the movie Red Mist is still one of the bad guys but he's put in a more sympathetic role when compared to his comic book counterpart.

Pin on kick ass

Now for one of the biggest changes to the comic. In the movie, Big Daddy is a former cop who was framed by Frank because he refused to work with the gangster. He would spet five years of his life in jail thus missing five years of his daugther's life, which would make him want revenge on Frank. In the Kick-Ass comic, Big Daddy is a former accountant and only became a superhero so that his daughter would have a more exciting life when compared to other girls her age. The only reason he want after the came family was become him and his daughter needed a villian.

09.10.2009 – Kick-Ass #7

The other thing that was changed from the comic was the way Kick-Ass was being toruted. In the comic, Dave is straped to a chair and then has his testicles electrocuted. In the movie he's simply being beaten and it's broadcast on the internet.

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Another notable change was the way Big Daddy died. In the movie he's burned to death, while in the comic he was shot in the head.

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The final differences I'll tell you about is the final battle. There are many things that were changed. For instance, in the comic Genoverse isn't a hand-to-hand fighter. He mainly relies on weapons and his henchmen, but in the movie D'Amico can go one-on-one with Hit Girl. Also when Red Mist and Kick-Ass fight in the comic, Kick-Ass knocks out Red Mist as suppose to the movie where they knock each other out. The other notable difference is in the movie Kick-Ass has a jet pack while in the comic no such weapon is used or even hinted at.

They are also other big differences from both the comic and film, if you want to know which then I suggest you either read the comic and watch the movie. They're both entertaining in their own way and much like myself you'll have a good time.

Okay guys. That's all for me. Come back on Saturday, Apr 25th for my review of the newest Netflix movie, Extraction. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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