Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Snyder Cut is Coming!

The 'Snyder Cut' of Justice League is coming to HBO Max in 2021 ...

Guys, yesterday at 2:09pm (Eastern Time) Zack Snyder himself told us, no the entire world that the Snyder cut is coming to HBO Max in 2021.

I mean I can't believe this is actually happening, and it's true to folks I'm not making this up. I've even got video proof...

This is so crazy. I mean...we won. Yesterday we won. I now know what the Sonic the Hedgehog fanbase felt like when they got their wish for Sonic to be redesigned for the movie. This is truly a great feeling for not only me but for everyone who's been fighting for Zack's vision for two years...two whole years we've been using #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and it worked.

For everybody that put the work in, to make this happen just pat yourself on the back, drink up, or whatever it is you do to celebrate.

Anyhow sorry if this wasn't a big huge post but I just wanted to get my feelings out there. And if you're curious maybe you can check out my other Snyder cut related post? So that's going to do it for me come back on Monday, May 25th for post about why I love theaters more than streaming. Until then enjoy the rest of your day and remember....we won.

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