Monday, February 22, 2021

A Look Back at Close Enough - Season 1

With season two of this show arriving in three days I once again do what I've done with previous shows and that's review the last season.

Close Enough is a adult animated comedy. The show is produced by Cartoon Network Studios and is distributed by WarnerMedia Direct. Close Enough is created by J.G. Quintel.

The story is a young couple named Josh and Emily along with their five year old daughter Candice live in a Los Angeles duplex with their friends who were once married to each other but are now divorced. All of them try to live normal lives but what seems to be a normal day turns into an absolutely crazy adventure in very odd and sci-fi like ways.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

Now as for the characters I like them but this season didn't make me fall in love them like Quintel's previous show Regular Show. To be fair this is only the first season so I imagine that'll change when season two comes out. But overall you'll like the characters.

  • Positives

One positive thing I'll say about this show is and this is best aspect is how they handle Josh and Emily figure how to handle their current situation. What I mean by that is their both have to adjust to the fact that they've gone from their wild and crazy 20 something days to now being 30 and raising a their five year old daughter. It's something that a lot of people can relate to, in matter of fact I've read and watch people say how they can relate to this part of the show the most.

Another thing that's great about Close Enough is the voice actors. Most like Regular Show Quintel has a great cast. I really enjoyed the voices that everyone gave the characters. No voice sounds like it's gonna get on your nervous or gonna say the actor is doing a bad job.

What I also came to love the show is the humor. Now the show is like Regular Show where things go from normal to insanity. Which isn't a bad thing because it really works for this show. Only this time where as with Regular Show J.G. Quintel really couldn't do anything adult like because that show was airing on Cartoon Network but since this one is airing on HBO Max Quintel takes full advantage and tells whatever adult joke or situation he wants to. And it works, they were plenty of times where I chuckling, laughing, or I laughed really loud.

The last thing I'll give Close Enough credit for is the animation. I'll keep this part short and sweet. Basically if you liked the way Regular Show was drawn and animated then you'll like the way Close Enough is drawn and animated.

Close Enough is a very good show that I'm so happy that HBO Max picked up and I'm even happier that season two is so close by. It was a great theme of transitioning from your 20s to being in your 30s, great voice work from the cast, good humor, and it's animated nicely. Although while I do like the characters I've haven't gone to love them not yet anyhow but I imagine that'll change when more episodes are released.

My final rating is Great.

Okay everyone that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Feb 25th for my A Look Back At review of 1992's Tom & Jerry: The Movie. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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