Thursday, October 12, 2023

Classic Film Night - Poltergeist


Poltergeist is a supernatural horror movie that was produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, SLM Production Group, Mist Entertainment, and Amblin Entertainment and distributed by MGM/UA Entertainment Co. Poltergeist was written by Steven Spielberg, Michael Grais, and Mark Victor and directed by Tobe Hooper.

The story is, The Freelings are your average California family just living their lives. Then out of nowhere, strange things start happening around the house. Glass shatters, silverware is bended, and objects are moved around. The Freelings soon learn, they have ghosts in their house, and they're only getting more and more aggressive.

My Thoughts

Now, even though this is a very good movie, we do gotta admit that some, not all, but some special effects haven't aged very well. Which depending on the type of person you are, may or may not take you out of the experience.

With that out of the way, let's get into the great things about Poltergeist, with one of those being the scares themselves. The movie has two different kind of horror moments. Those being more subtle and more in your face, and both are done perfectly. The subtle moments are things like the theories regarding the ghosts. Such as where they go, what's their dimension like compared to ours, and what kind of powers they have. But of course we got the scenes that made top list, like the skeletons in the pool or the face peeling off scene.

Then we have the performances. The cast was very good in this, Craig T. Nelson and JoBeth Williams had chemistry in this. They truly did seem like a couple who have a long history and never got tried of loving each other. And of course we have the late Heather O'Rourke as Carol Anne. Despite how young she was during this, she nailed her role. She was perfect at being the cute daughter, and then be just a little unnerving the next.

The last thing I'll praise is how the film had a perfect balance between Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg. Despite these two having very different filmmaking styles, thankfully Poltergeist didn't wind up being a Frankenstein-style movie, where it's clear as day two people were making one movie. On Spielberg's side, we have that stellar production, and on Hooper's side, while the movie isn't as violent as he's iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre, his finger prints are still over this, such as that previously mentioned face peeling scene.

Folks, if you want to watch a classic horror movie for this Halloween season or really any Halloween season, definitely watch Poltergeist.

My final rating is, Great.

Okay, that's all for now. Come back on Thursday, Oct 19th, for my review of, Mortal Kombat Legends: Cage Match. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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