Friday, January 13, 2017

Road to Justice League - Justice League of America (1997) Review

With DC giving us a Justice League film coming out this November I figured it would be a good idea to review pervious films about the Justice League one of them being Justice League of America a nineteen ninety-seven television film produced by CBS. The story is an evil weather man wants to destroy the city of New Metro unless his demands are fulfilled and it's up to the superhero team known as the Justice League of America to stop him.

Let's not mince words. This film is hilariously terrible I mean it's amazing how bad it is. Let's start off with the negatives.

  • Negatives

The costumes in this are the worse let's start off with The Atom's costume he has a piece of armor on his chest with his logo on it and you can just tell it's made out of some type of plastic material that's it's just sad. Then there's The Flash's costume his is almost like the comics but on his mask that's holding his lighting bolts on the side of his face they look like there goggles and then Green Lantern's costume is literally just that a costume it's not something his ring gives him no it's just regular clothing material that a cosplayer could buy. There's even a scene where the heroes are putting on their civilian disguises and you can see him just stuff it in a bag. We also have Martian Manhunter while he's costume is okay the makeup on his face makes it look like he's a zombie without the rotted skin. A character from DC comics known as Ice is in this film we only see her costume in the last I don't know twenty seconds but in those twenty seconds you see her costume also sucks because it's just blue spandex with white streaks on them and because we have Ice we also have her partner Fire here as well her costume is okay but it's kind of stupid how they just put green eyeliner under her eyes I mean they couldn't have made her wear a domino mask?

Another bad thing about this film is there's no Superman(who is the best superhero might I add), Batman, or Wonder Woman. The reason I see this as a bad thing is because those three helped make the Justice League their the founding members so it's just weird we don't get to see them or their not even mentioned at all.

The film tries I mean really tries to give us humor but it just falls flat. They only way for the humor to work if they have that laugh track you here in sitcoms.

The villain in this movie is the least threaten bad guy ever. One terrible aspect to this character his plans in the beginning of the film he starts a hurricane but it's the most non-deadly hurricane ever because you only see one thing get destroyed and it's a utility pole and nobody is trying find shelter. I'm serious there's an old lady just standing around shouting for somebody to rescue her cat that's under the front porch stairs. Then there's his hailstorm the hail here isn't the size of golf balls it looks like regular size hail but no the Justice League had to save the citizens of New Metro from being slightly annoyed. Another negative thing is the film tried to give a mystery of you the guy could be but I figured it out in less that a minute I won't give it away but in my opinion it's obvious who it is.

In this movie the only way for anything to make sense is for the characters to be idiots. One example is Guy Gardner's girlfriend is being "hurt" by the hailstorm Guy makes an umbrella to save her they look at each other and she has no idea who the person under the mask is. He didn't do anything like change his voice or hairstyle so why does she not know it's Guy? There also a scene in here where the Justice League is trapped in their underwater base because the Weather Man uses a laser (which it's weather base so how is he doing this) to seal a door shut but the Justice League just doesn't know how to get out. Green Lantern doesn't make a giant fist to break the door down, The Flash doesn't vibrate right through the door and Fire just doesn't blast it open no it takes The Atom to use chewing gum to open the door. Then near the end of the movie Green Lantern confronts Weather Man(I should mention the movie isn't using the character Weather Wizard) he throws the device that helps him create all these disasters off a cliff and Green Lantern just stands there & basically tells his teammates we're screwed because there's a tidal wave heading for the city. Way to try to save us hero!

The other problem with this film is it for some reason there are interviews with the superheroes. I'm not making that up they will cut to an interview with one of the members of the league and they'll talk about something that in no way relates to the plot. Not to mention that but do secret identities mean nothing!?

I could go on all day about the problems with this film has but let's movie on to something positive for once.

  • Positives

You and a group of friends will have a good time making fun of it.

Justice League of America has a terrible story, poor costumes, unnecessary & pointless interviews, characters that make a box of rocks seem smart, characters that are also nothing like their comic book counterparts, a villain who isn't that much of a challenge, special effects while not the worse are certainly nothing to write home about, and humor that sucks. However if you want to Mystery Science Theater 3000 you'll have a fun time riffing on it.

My rating for this movie is So Bad It's Good.

Quick side note If anyone says the Justice League movie coming out this year is "the worst superhero movie ever" tell them about this.

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