Thursday, February 2, 2017

Road to Spider-Man: Homecoming - Spider-Man Review

Note: This Review Contains Spoilers. You Have Been Warned.

Image result for spider-man 2002 movie poster

With Spider-Man coming out with a new movie(Spider-Man: Homecoming) I thought I should do what I'm currently doing with my Road to Justice League. Which is review pervious films related to the title character or characters to get hyped for the film coming out this year. Before I get to the review let me tell you a story about how I discovered this movie. I didn't see this in the theaters like some of the kids at my school did I had to wait until it come out on DVD and then request it as either a birthday or Christmas present. I don't when I got I think it was my birthday but whenever I got this film I loved to watch it over and over again. I just couldn't believe there was a film about my third favorite superhero(my first is Superman and my second is Batman).

Spider-Man is 2002 film it tells the story about how nerdy Peter Parker(Toby Maguire) became Spider-Man when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. But while there's a hero on the rise there is also a villain known as the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn(William Dafore) who wants to make Spider-Man an offer to join his side.

  • Negatives

I know what possible bad thing can I say about this movie? I have but one complaint whenever William Dafore is playing the Green Goblin he sometimes goes over the top with his performance. Seriously the voice they decided to go with just sounds cartoonist to me.

  • Mix
One aspect to this film I'm in a grey area on is the romance between Peter Parker and Mary-Jane Watson(Kristen Dunst). Sometimes when they talk to one another it feels like a true genuine conversion between love interests other times it feels like they are reading off of a script.

  • Positives

Now that I got some of my complaints out of the way let me talk about what I like about the movie. One thing I like is the Spider-Man costume it may not look exactly like it does in the comics but for 2002 it was great. Now some people had a problem with Green Goblin's suit saying he looks like a Power Ranger but I liked it. I wasn't really expecting the filmmakers to go with a purple elf hat & purple booties.

A second thing to love about this movie is the actor's performances they do an excellent job at playing these characters. You can tell that the director(Sam Riami) really wanted them to give it their all. Even if a did have a complaint about William Dafore as Green Goblin.

A third thing to give this film credit is the effects it looks like the Green Goblin is flying on his glider and Spider-Man does look like is web-swing through the city of New York.

Another thing I liked about this movie is the final fight between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin because in that fight I really thought Spider-Man wasn't going to win because he just gets his ass kicked in this movie. It such a great feeling when Spider-Man finally gets back up and unloads on the Green Goblin which he deserved because One) He killed a bunch of business men all because they wanted to sell his company and Two) He thinks after he has beaten Spidey he threatens to kill Mary-Jane. If any of you have read a Spider-Man comic you know it's not a wise thing to threaten the people Peter loves. It's kind of a bad idea.

Spider-Man while it has flaws it's still one of many good superhero films to be made. The costumes for Spider-Man & Green Goblin both have good designs to them. The actors do a great job. The effects are very well done and seeing Green Goblin and Spider-Man fight or just simply talk to each other is awesome.

My final rating for this movie is Good.

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