Monday, April 10, 2017

Differences Between Justice League: Doom & JLA: Tower of Babel

Image result for justice league doomImage result for jla tower of babel
So awhile back I reviewed Justice League: Doom I told you how the story is loosely based JLA: Tower of Babel. However there are some notable differences between the two projects so let's list some of them.

Image result for justice league doom vandal savage

One thing that's different from the storyline is the villains. In Justice League: Doom it's Vandal Savage leading the Legion of Doom to destroy the Justice League. In Tower of Babel it's Ra's Al-Ghul and his League of Assassins who are the main villains.

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Another change to the story is Green Lantern & The Flash. In Justice League: Doom it's Hal Jordan & Barry Allen(my favorite Green Lantern & Flash) in Tower of Babel it's Kyle Rayner who is Green Lantern & Wally West is the Flash.

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The Justice League members from both the film & storyline are different as well. In Justice League: Doom it's Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter. In Tower of Babel the roster is slightly bigger it goes Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Plastic Man.

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Now let's get into the death traps first let's talk about Superman's. In Tower of Babel his cells overload due to red Kryptonite it also causes his skin to have this creepy transparent look and also causing him to feel intense pain and overloading his solar absorption. In Doom he's simply shot in the chest with a green Kryptonite bullet by Metallo.

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Batman's is slightly different in the movie Bane lures Bruce by digging up his parent's corpses and then buries him alive. In the comic Ra's Al-Ghul uses the same method only he doesn't bury Bruce he steals the bodies and Batman tries to find them causing a distraction.

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In Justice League: Doom Wonder Woman is infected by Cheetah with nanites that made her think everybody around is Cheetah both looks and sound she does this in hopes of giving her a heart attack because she'll never surrender until her opponent is beaten which means she won't give herself time to rest. This is similar to Tower of Babel but the League of Assassins put her in a virtual reality with an opponent equal to her still hoping to give her a heart attack.

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In Tower of Babel Martian Manhunter is shot with bullet covered in nanites that covers the outer layer of skin in magnesium causing him to burst into flames. In Justice League: Doom Ma'alefa'ak(think of him as an evil version of Martian Manhunter) tricks Manhunter into drinking the magnesium.

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In Justice League: Doom Mirror Master puts a bomb of the Flash's wrist that will blow up if tries to take it off or decreases his speed. In Tower of Babel his shot with a special bullet that gives him seizures at lightspeed.

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In Tower of Babel Green Lantern his rendered by blind by a post-hypnotic suggestion during a REM phase that his ring placed him while he was asleep. In Justice League: Doom Green Lantern is targeted by Star Sapphire by using Scarecrow's will-undermining fear gas. She later convinces Hal that he doesn't deserves the ring's powers. The whole using Scarecrow's fear gas was used for Aquaman in Tower of Babel making him aquaphobic meaning he now has fear of water but without water he would die in a matter of hours.

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In Justice League: Doom both Batman & Superman had plans for there deaths if any of Batman's contingency plans did happen to them. However in Tower of Babel neither of them thought of those.

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The big plan in both the movie & the comic event do have a similar concept which reduce the human population but the way of going about are different. Ra's Al-Ghul plan was an attack against human language by using a specially designed tower to generate a low-level sonic signal which causes written & spoken language to be made up of total nonsense. Vandal Savage's plan was to use a apocalyptic cataclysm via solar flare.

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Now on to the final part of this compare and contrast which would be the endings in JLA: Tower of Babel the ending is kind of bittersweet while Ra's Al-Ghul's plan was stopped the Justice League is furious with Batman and what he did they put in to a vote but before Superman can be the tie-breaker Batman leaves in shame of what happened. In Justice League: Doom it felt more optimistic Batman criticizes the other members for not thinking of a rouge Justice League he leaves but before he can Superman ask him about his contingency plans he tells they were only meant to immobilize. Superman has his trust in him assured and gives him the kryptonite bullet and Batman teleports out of the Watchtower.

Those are all the differences I found in Justice League: Doom & JLA: Tower of Babel and I hoped you enjoyed reading this. Now to give a little announcement I will now only be posting stuff on my blog on Mondays & Thursdays it won't be every Monday & Thursday though because there's only so much I can think about putting on this blog. Anyways so look forward to my post about What You Probably Didn't Know About The Fast & The Furious it's my way of getting hyped for The Fate of The Furious that and it's a little late for me to review all of the Fast & Furious movies.

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