Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Top 11 Dumbest Justice League News Stories

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It feels like a long road waiting for Justice League to come out. I still can't believe were finally getting this movie and it comes out tomorrow too but this road felt even longer what with all the mind numbing "news" stories flying around. So I decided to countdown the ones that I thought were the most stupid. Here they are my top eleven dumbest Justice League new stories.

Henry Cavill in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

#11. Justice League is a sequel to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So it must have been a very slow news day probably the slowest it's ever been because Comic Book released a story on August 28th telling us about how Justice League will serve as a direct sequel to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and all I had to say was no shit! Everybody knew this and the trailers showed us that. Did we really need to waste time writing an article about this? And it wasn't just Comic Book that did this there was also ScreenRant, FlickingMyth, and so many others that ran with this story.

Image result for justice league i'm rich

#10. Justice League will have a lighter tone because of the negative response to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Now for this I'm not going to list any sites in particular because pretty much all of them ran with this story. I thought this was dumb because this was always the filmmakers idea it wasn't because people found Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice too dark and they said let's make Justice League be more lighter. One of the writers for Justice League and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Chris Terrio said this during his interview for the Wall Street Journal "I expected "Justice League" will be tonally not quite dark as "Batman v Superman". From that point of view, I felt compelled to go back and try to lift us and myself into a different place because I think when you write a darker film, sometimes you want to redeem it all a bit." He said this two weeks before Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was released in theaters.

Image result for rob liefeld

#9. "Whedon's" Justice League Had a Test Screening

The basic for this story was on Sept 1st comic book writer/artist Rob Liefeld tweeted this message "Heard Warner's tested Whedon Justice League this week". Now this did make the news which is my problem. Liefeld (one of the biggest hacks in the comic book industry) just tweeted this to I guess get attention or just make a bad joke and we gave it to him. Luckily people called him out on it saying it's Zack Snyder's Justice League (which it rightfully is) or how there's no way Warner Bros. could have had a test screening since at the time they were still filming reshoots.

Image result for justice league reshoots

#8. The Reshoots are "Significant"

Once again I'm not going to be naming any sites because one I forget who ran with this story first and two I'm pretty sure every news site ran with this. So yeah apparently a large majority of journalist kept saying that the reshoots were somehow significant. I didn't believe that because reshoots happen all the time with movies whether big or small. Also during San Diego Comic-Con Ray Fisher who plays Cyborg said that the reshoots were brief and their about wrapped up. So yeah it really sounds like their going to be significant.

Image result for justice league 2017 movie superman statue comic con

#7. Hot Toys' Superman Sparks a Debate

Now this is a story I read on ScreenRant. The short story is on July 19th ScreenRant writer Ben Kendrick wrote a story titled "Is Superman Suit Brighter Colored in Justice League"? It was mainly about a Hot Toys' standee. But do you noticed anything about the picture I'm using? If you said it's under a light they you would be correct. So of course the suit looks bright there's a light above it giving it that color. So because of this one toy and this one story there were actually debates going around about Superman's costume being brighter. Sometimes people both confuse and irritate me.

Image result for justice league san diego comic con 2017

#6. Thanking Joss Whedon for An Awesome Justice League Trailer

This is one of the stories that made my blood boil. Angela Watercutter of released a story titled You Can Thank Joss Whedon For That Great New 'Justice League' Trailer after the San Diego Comic-Con trailer was released online. This was a terrible story because just watch the trailer Now if any of you are fans of either Joss Whedon, Zack Snyder, or both then you can tell they have different styles when it comes to directing. And nothing about this trailer said "oh yeah this is a Joss Whedon movie". Also Angela's reasons were stupid. One reasoning was it opens up with Wonder Woman and badass female characters are Joss' "thing" and that The Flash was being played as the rookie of the group. Even though Flash was already being played that way before Joss Whedon was hired. An other reason for why this was awful is because Whedon was brought on board in May and San Diego Comic-Con was in July. This means everything Joss was filming wouldn't have been ready to be shown at Comic-Con.

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#5. Redoing The Ending Because of Joss Whedon

You know I'm starting to think hiring Joss Whedon has done more harm than good. The bases of this story is on April 12th reported that Joss Whedon was redoing the ending to the movie. Because supposedly the original ending had a cliffhanger that would have led into Justice League 2. My problem with this is they (the filmmakers) said that last year the movie was going to be it's own story. Which means whether it was Joss Whedon or Zack Snyder the movie was always going to redo the ending.

Image result for justice league funko pop

#4. Superman's Return is Spoiled By a Toy?

This one just made face palm. Two things folks one there might be a possibility that this is spoiler so if I spoiled anything I apologize and another thing I forgot which site made this story so once again I apologize for that. Anyways the description for the toy which was a Funko Pop by the way says this "The Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash are barely holding their own against invading Parademons and an axe-wielding Steppenwolf. If only Superman in Funko figure form was here. LOOK! UP IN THE SKY! Is that Superman?? IT IS! It's Superman Justice League Movie Funko Pop Vinyl Figure and it resurrected itself moments before Steppenwolf skewered Wonder Woman with a hefty chunk of Valenzuela!". This was a terrible because with the way Justice League has being marketed i.e. a lack of Superman with no spoilers of his return there's no way Warner Bros. or DC would have let this get out. Especially on a Funko Pop of all things.

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#3. All of The Ben Affleck is Leaving Batman Rumors

This for whatever reason keeps popping up no matter how many times it's been debunked. Countless sites have made stories all with different ways of saying it but still remaining the same story over and over and over again. So that's why for this I'm not using a specific site because all of them were running with this rumor. But what really made me mad about this story is two things. One if Ben Affleck really wanted to leave the role of Batman wouldn't he have left after the negative reviews from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and not stick around for Suicide Squad, Justice League, a solo Batman film that's going to be directed by Matt Reeves, or the sequel to Justice League and two Ben had this to say about playing Batman "Batman is the coolest fucking part in any universe. I am so thrilled to do it. It is fucking amazing. After two films, Kevin Tsujihara, Sue Kroll, and Toby Emmerich have said 'We want you to be our Batman'. I would be an ape on the ground for Matt Reeves. It's a great time in the DC universe, and you see why I am so excited to play Batman". Yeah this really sounds like a guy who wants to stop playing Batman and leave the DC Extended Universe.

Image result for justice league unwatchable

#2. Justice League's Early Cut is Considered Unwatchable

On August 14th's Simon Gallagher reported that an early cut from Justice League was called unwatchable from his article titled "Disastrously, Justice League's Early Cut Was Unwatchable". Here are my problems with this. One Simon's source is a website called Batman on Now I wouldn't trust that source as far as I can throw them because one they've done some pretty shady stuff in the past and two they've been anti-DC Extended Universe for a long time. So yeah I'm not trusting them. My other problem with this is it was an early cut so of course it wasn't going to be watchable. When you have an early cut of a movie it's always going to look bad. The reason for that is very simple it's not the final cut your going to see on the big screen because the movie is still being worked on.

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#1. Justice League is Apparently Being Remade

Here it is everyone! The number one dumbest Justice League story. On June 20th released another episode to their show Collider Heroes with the episode titled "Amy Pascal's Venom Comments; Simon Kinberg Talks Dark Phoenix" . During the show's Twitter Questions segment the host Jon Schnepp (the guy above) said that Justice League was being reshot, reedited, and etc. Now once again we have to look at the timeline. Joss Whedon (because that's who he was talking about) was hired to do reshoots in May and Justice League comes out on November 17th. You mean to tell me that Joss Whedon is somehow remaking an entire movie within a time span of five months. That is physical impossible especially for a movie of this magnitude. If Joss Whedon was to remake the entire film the release date would have to be pushed back to either mid to late-2018. So unless Whedon is as fast as The Flash I'm not buying this for one second.

Dishonorable Mention - The Big Bang Theory Revealed a Seventh Justice League Member

Image result for the big bang theory justice league

This is one I considered putting on the list but I kept it out because it was long enough for me. But hey here's another dumb Justice League news story for ya. Now once again there could be a possibility that this is true and if it is I apologize for spoiling this for you that was not my intent. So here's the story on October 18th released a story titled "Did The Big Bang Theory Just Drop a Major Justice League Spoiler?" It described that the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory were giving fans a chance to win tickets for the premiere of Justice League. One of the logos was of long time member of the Justice League Green Lantern. Once again I thought this was a dumb story because simply by the way Warner Bros. and DC have been marketing the film there's no way they would let this get out. They've been having a no major spoilers marketing since the first trailer dropped and have been doing an amazing job at that. So for them to slip up like this would ruin all the excitement of a seventh member that's if there is one.

So those were my picks for the dumbest Justice League news stories and I hoped you enjoyed them. Let's hope the next DC film doesn't get this many awful stories and/or rumors because I don't want to make a list of the dumbest Aquaman news stories.

State of The Project (Nov 2nd - Nov 17th)

Nov 2nd - No Cinematic Disasters This Month

Nov 4th - Thor: Ragnarok Review

Nov 6th - Thor: Ragnarok Easter Eggs and Things Changed from The Trailers

Nov 9th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Dumbo II

Nov 13th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Bully - Jimmy Hopkins' Death

Nov 16th - The Top 11 Dumbest Justice League News Stories

Nov 17th - Justice League Review


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