Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Predator Review

The Predator (aka Predator 4) is a science-fiction horror film. It's the fourth installment in the Predator film series (sixth if anyone counts Alien vs. Predator & Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem). The movie is produced by 20th Century Fox,  Davis Entertainment, Silver Pictures, and Lawrence Gordon Productions and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The Predator is written by Shane Black and Fred Dekker and directed by Shane Black.

The story is a young boy named Rory has accidentally sent an alert to the Yautja aka the Predators back to Earth. A group of soldiers along with a science teacher are the only ones standing in their way. Will they stop the most lethal hunters in the universe or are they just another prey?

Initial Reaction

Now I loved the Predator since me and my dad watched the first movie when I was a kid (yeah my dad let me watch the first movie when I think I was seven. He's cool like that). So naturally I was excited for yet another Predator film since we have gotten one in 8 years. I enjoyed the trailers and that poster I'm using above got me interested. Also Shane Black has directed a lot of good stuff such as The Nice Guys (underrated film give it a watch).


I've got nothing to say. So let's move on.

Middle Ground

One thing that's a mix bag is the humor. Yes this film does try to be funny at times but not a lot of it works. Some scenes have humor where it felt like it was natural to jokes other times it felt out of place. Another thing that's in a grey area is the editing. Now it's not the worst editing in the world. What I mean is there are times in the movie that you can tell something was cut out or reshot. One other thing the film could have worked on is the other characters. Because besides Quinn there's not much to them besides their definitive characteristics. That doesn't mean I didn't care for the other characters what I am saying is I wish there was more to them.


One thing I liked about the film was it's explanation of the concept of the Predators making hybrids of their species. I can't say much other than that because it goes into spoiler territory. The film also provide good performances. All the cast played their characters perfectly including the child actor Jacob Tremblay. Hell even Keegan-Michael Key who I thought was going to be the annoying comic relief gave a good performance. The Predator also contains pretty good action scenes. One of my favorites were the special agency guys/Quinn's team fighting the "Super Predator" in the woods. Speaking of the "Super Predator" I really liked this new creature. It was a pure unadulterated badass Predator and I dug each of it's brutal kills.

The Predator may not be the best film in the series but it was still enjoyable ride. The explanation of the hybrids was thought well, the performances were good, the action scenes were fun, and the Super Predator was awesome. What the film could have done slightly better on was the humor, the editing, and give more character development.

My final rating is Okay

So yeah The Predator may be the weakest film out of the franchise but it's not by any means the worst. That dishonor goes to Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

State of The Project (Aug 27th - Sept 24th)

Aug 24th - What You Probably Didn't Know About Rocky (1976)

Aug 30th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection

Sept 8th - The Nun Review

Sept 10th - What You Probably Didn't Know About Iron Man (2008)

Sept 13th - Is It True? - The Scooby-Doo Gang Are Escaping The Draft

Sept 15th - The Predator Review

Sept 24th - Road to Dark Phoenix - X-Men Review


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