Monday, March 11, 2019

Captain Marvel Easter Eggs


Brie Larson in Captain Marvel (2019)

Hello everyone and welcome to the first easter egg post of 2019! Today let's talk about some of the easter eggs I noticed in Captain Marvel. Now remember these are just some of the easter eggs I noticed so don't expect every single one.

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The story of Captain Marvel takes some inspiration from the 2008 Marvel Comics crossover event Secret Invasion. Much like that story this movie has Skrulls infiltrating Earth. They are many differences between the movie's story and that comic story arc the biggest one is the Skrulls infiltration is not as big as the one in the comic storyline.

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Now it wouldn't be Captain Marvel unless we had Mar-Vell. In the comics he went by the name Dr. Walter Lawson. He was a Kree officer running secret missions on Earth. We get something like that in the movie only we have a Dr. Wendy Lawson.

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Speaking of characters. We have a girl named Monica Rambeau. Monica Rambeau was the first woman to bear the name Captain Marvel before Carol Danvers. In the movie she's only a little girl. We also get a nod to her powers when Nick Fury says "only if you learn to glow".

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Captain Marvel finally gives us the answer to how Nick Fury lost his eye. It turns out he lose it to Carol's cat Goose. Yes I know that's stupid.

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Despite his sad passing we get a Stan Lee cameo. This time he's a passenger on a train reading his lines for the film Mallrats.

Mallrats (1995)

Speaking of Mallrats. That's an actually film from 1995 written and directed by Kevin Smith. And yes Stan Lee does make a cameo in that film as well.

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We also get another cameo. This time it was by Kelly Sue DeConnick. She was a writer for the Captain Marvel comics from 2012-2015. Much like Stan Lee her cameo was a passenger on a train.

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During one of Carol's flashbacks to Pancho's we get a glimpse of the game Street Fighter II: Champion Edition.

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The Tesseract makes yet another comeback. Thus making this it's fourth appears the last one being Avengers: Infinity War when Thanos crushed making it one of the infinity stones.

Ms. Marvel (2006-2010) #1Related image

We also get some nods to some previous costumes. When Carol and Monica are changing the suits colors one was black and gold. Which could be a nod to one of Carol's previous costumes (the image on the left) and the other one's color scheme was green and white. The latter of the two belonging to Mar-Vell.

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Another Marvel Cinematic Universe item that appears again is Nick Fury's pager. The remaining Avengers those being Steve Rogers (Captain America), Natasha Romanova (Black Widow), Bruce Banner (the Hulk), and Sam Wilson (Falcon). They meet up with Captain Marvel thus setting things up for Avengers: Endgame.

Alright everyone that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, March 14th where I'll begin the Road to Toy Story 4 with my review of Toy Story. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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