Thursday, June 20, 2019

Road to Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Review

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (or called by it's original title simply being Star Wars) is 1977 epic space opera film and the first film in the original Star Wars trilogy as well as the very beginning of the Star Wars franchise. The movie is produced by LucasFilm Ltd. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope was written and directed by George Lucas.

The story is an R2 unit has an important message for Obi-Wan Kenobi send to him by Princess Leia. Once seeing the message Obi-Wan recruits a young boy named Luke Skywalker and pilot Han Solo along with his friend Chewbecca to help him on his rescue mission.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

Now I'm begging you. Please don't hate me...but sometimes the acting is not all it's cut out to be. While the actors do deliver some great lines there are other times when they just have a bad read. So yes I find the acting just to be good but not all that amazing.

  • Positives

Now let's get into the more positive things about the movie one of those being George Lucas' directing. He framed and showed shots that tell a lot more than they did. One of those being the first shots in the movie with the Rebel ship trying to escape from the Star Destroyer. That shot alone told just how big the Empire is.

The other part of Star Wars (or A New Hope) such a classic was John Williams' score. It decades old but it's still and will always be one of the all time greats. Hell you can't tell me you haven't hummed at least one of his songs from this movie.

Another aspect of the film that spectacular is the action. It still enjoyable to watch now as an adult just as much as when I saw it when my grandpa give me is copying when I was getting into the franchise. That final battle at the Death Star still leaves you on edge even if you've seen it before.

The final thing to give praise to is the special effects. They are all done to perfection. Not only that but they still really hold up. When rewatching it for this review there was not one time when I thought they looked bad.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope is without a shadow of doubt one of the all time greats of not only science fiction films but films in general. Lucas' directing is spot on, Williams' score will always be regraded as a classic, the action is astounding, and the effects are timeless. Now while the acting could have been better it's still fine for what it's worth. Besides this is a case when the good overpowers the bad anyways.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Alright that's it for me. Come back, Saturday, June 22nd for my review of Toy Story 4. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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