Saturday, October 5, 2019

Joker Review

Joker is a psychological thriller film based on the DC Comics' villain the Joker. It's also the first film in the DC Black Label. The movie is produced by DC Films, Village Roadshow Pictures, Bron Creative, and Joint Effort and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Joker is written by Todd Phillips and Scott Silver and directed by Todd Phillips.

The story is it's 1981 and all Arthur Fleck wanted to be was stand-up comedian, that way he could bring smiles to everyone. However after been made fun of, beating down, and treated horribly Arthur Fleck turns to a life of crime and becomes Gotham City's most feared criminal...Joker.

Initial Reaction

When I first heard about this movie I was quite curious. I mean it was going to be low budget, rated R, set in 1981, no Batman and just to top it all off it's going to be directed by Todd Phillips, yes the same guy who gave us the Hangover movies. Then I saw that teaser trailer...and I was hooked. This was clearly going to be something vastly different compared to other comic book movies and I didn't mind that at all (seriously variety is good for the comic book genre not everything has to be quote "fun" in order for it to be good). Although I do admit waiting for this movie to come out did feel like a drag what with all of the "controversies" it kept getting from "wokes" of Twitter, bloggers, and journalist who you could have sworn wanted something bad to happen at film theaters because everytime it was "Oh man. I sure hope nobody causes a massacre when Joker arrives in theaters." But other than that bullsh*t I was still looking forward to the movie.


I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

Middle Ground

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.


The first thing that makes this movie great is Joaquin Phoenix's performance. OH MY GOD! If this man doesn't win an Oscar for this performance then the Oscars really need to rethink what a great performance is because Phoenix is just amazing. I mean the what he did to his body for this movie and the laugh that laugh was one of the many many MANY highlights of the movie. In matter fact I actually though Joaquin was actually getting hurt from that laugh. Because it's treated as a medical condition in this film and throughout the film you can see Joaquin try to hold it in, coughing, and saliva coming down from his mouth. Like I said an amazing performance from Joaquin Phoenix and he definitely deserves an award for Best Actor. Now during all of the "controversies" for this movie, one of them was that audience would sympathies with Arthur Fleck even though he's clearly a maniac in this movie (which is funny in itself cause I don't remember such a controversy whenever a horror movie comes out). Now yes at first you do sympathies for him...AT FIRST! But the moment he crosses the line and descents into madness you see him for what he is and that's a complete and utter psychopath. Which is what made the movie great, when you see from start to finish what exactly sent Arthur over the edge to the point where he WAS an innocent man you felt bad for but then you just want to see him get sent to Arkham Asylum (or Arkham State Hospital as it's called in the movie). Another amazing part of the film is the score. Hildur Guonadottir composed such a brilliant and yet at the same time haunting score. There was even a time when I was tapping along with the music. It's that good. The other part of the movie that's great is it's tone, the tone for this movie dark, creepy, unnerving, and everything that should describe the character of Joker. From start to finish the tone for this movie is everything I said it was and with that it really helps the movie stand out from other comic book movies (not that it already didn't before). The final thing I want to give this movie credit for is Todd Phillips' directing. I mean I never would have thought in a million years that the guy who brought us the Hangover trilogy would bring us such a beautifully shot psychological thriller. I mean yes the Hangover movies were shot well but when you compare them to Joker it feels like despite the name it seems like someone else shot this. I mean there at frames in this movie that might as well be it's own piece of art.

Joker is without a doubt one of my favorite movies of 2019. Joaquin Phoenix gives a 10/10 performance, Arthur Fleck's journey to becoming the Joker made him become a great villain, the score is amazing, the tone is great, and Todd Phillips' directing has awe inspiring.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Guys I definitely recommend checking out this movie it was truly great. Hell even my buddies said this is their favorite movie of the year and they can't wait to get this in their film collection. Anyhow that's all for me. Come back on Monday, October 7th for my review of Wonder Woman: Bloodlines. Until then enjoy the rest of your day and once again go see this movie.

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