Thursday, March 12, 2020

Road to Scoob! - Scooby-Doo Review

Hey guys, welcome to my Road to Scoob!. Before we get into the review let's just clear things up. Yes, I am fully aware that Scoob! isn't going to be yet another live-action Scooby-Doo movie but animated. Now I could review all of the animated movies but there are so many animated Scooby-Doo movies that there's no way I'm gonna cover them all. Sure I could do them in the same vain as my Looking Back at the Films of 2019, but that would mean I would have to review like what....20 of them all together, and I just don't have that kind of time. So what I decided to do was just review all of the theatrical release Scooby-Doo movies instead. Now enough of my reasoning for doing things, let's get into the review.

Scooby-Doo is a 2002 live-action adventure comedy film based on the Scooby-Doo franchise. The movie was produced by Mosaic Media Group & Atlas Entertainment and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Scooby-Doo was written by James Gunn (Yes. The same guy that brought us Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2, and the upcoming The Suicide Squad) and directed by Raja Gosnell.

The story is two years ago, Mystery Inc. had a falling out and went their separate ways. One by one they all received an innovation to go to an island called Spooky Island, the reason being that strange and paranormal incidents have been happening and the owner wants the gang to figure out what's going on.

  • Negatives

One bad thing about Scooby-Doo is the twist villain. I won't give away who it is all I will say this reveal just raises SO MANY QUESTIONS! Like how can someone like him possible pull all of this of and how could he even get people to join? Questions like that.

Another negative with Scooby-Doo is the CGI. Those weird kangaroo looking monsters look like they're barely finished like the effects artist was almost done but had to stop for reasons, the most awkward one was Scooby-Doo himself. Now he has all of his cartoonish movements such as his body can stretch to an outrageous lengths but at the same time he's given this more realistic design. So you really get this uncanny valley vibe with the title character.

The other bad aspect of the movie is the story. It just doesn't make any form of sense, yes I know it's a movie about Scooby-Doo but come on, everything still has to make some sort of sense. Also as someone pointed out I forgot who they are but anyhow, what they said was the story is very similar to 1998's Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island. What with the gang splitting up, some years later they get back together, then they're invited to a mysterious island, and they find out that the monsters are real this time around.

  • Mix

One thing that's a grey area with Scooby-Doo is the humor. A lot of does go the more immature rout what with some fart jokes and more or less slapstick but in all honesty some parts made me laugh. Not by much but hey I'd rather take some laughter than no laughter at all. Looking at you Dolittle and Ready to Rumble.

The other mix bag is the characterization. Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are exactly like their cartoon counterparts. Velma is giving this more dead-pan sarcastic personality which to be honest I thought it worked. She's still the brains on the group but now she's given another lair to her character, also some of her remarks helped bring the humor a bit. The worst ones were Fred and Daphne. They're essential the same exact personality, that personality being full of themselves. The only differences being one is male and the other female.

  • Positives

Now despite the movie being overall bad for some odd reason that I just can't pinpoint is still interestingly enough...watchable. Like if I was to good to a friend's house and for whatever reason he was to say "Hey man, you wanna watch the live-action Scooby-Doo?" I would actually say yes.

Scooby-Doo is one of those films that should go in your guilty pleasures section of you film collection. It has a terrible twist/main villain, odd CGI, and the overall story just doesn't work. The somewhat fine aspects are the humor and the characters. However despite it's humongous flaws it's still so much fun to watch.

My final rating is So Bad It's Good

Now I want to get serious for a moment. As you know there's a virus out in the world called the Coronavirus, due to this virus I'm uncertain if I'll have a review for Bloodshot starring Vin Diesel. If there's a review on March 15th then you know that I saw it, if there isn't then I'm sorry I don't have a review. Personally I would prefer to go and see a movie than be locked in my house and live in fear of a disease but with everything going on I my not have an option.

I know what I'm writing down is very depressing but I just like to let you know what's going on. So that's going to do it for me. Stay safe out there everybody.

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