Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Look Back at Tom & Jerry: The Movie (1992)


With the newest Tom & Jerry movie right around the corner I figured I'd review their first theatrical release movie. Sadly, it's not a good first attempt.

Tom and Jerry: The Movie is a 1992 animated musical comedy based on the classic cartoon characters Tom and Jerry. The movie was produced by Turner Entertainment, Live Entertainment, WMG Film, and Film Roman and distributed by Miramax Films. Tom and Jerry: The Movie was written by Dennis Marks and directed by Phil Roman.

The story is things are not looking good for Tom and Jerry. Not only did Tom get left behind by his owners during yet another fight with Jerry but just to make matters worse the house they were living in has been demolished, and now they're both homeless. However they have to put their problems aside to help a little named Robyn and help put a stop to her greedy guardian Pristine Figg and her lawyer Lickboot.

  • Negatives

Now let's get the biggest negative out of the way and that's Tom and Jerry talk. Yes, the most iconic silent duo in the history of animation are talking. And I'm talking about like in one of the cartoon shorts where they'll speak only once for a joke no, I'm saying they're speaking in full blown sentences. Why? Why did the filmmakers make this decision? Another issue I take with that is I don't the voice actors they got for Tom & Jerry fit their characters. No I'm not quite sure how I would think a voice for Tom would go but it's not the one that Richard Kind provided. The worst of it is definitely Dana Hill as Jerry. Jerry just sounds WAY TOO YOUNG. Almost like he's no older than I want to say seven.

Another issue with the film is the story mainly focuses on the character of Robyn. She's the real main star of this whole. Sure Tom & Jerry are in this but they're just there. Which is kind of hilarious. Tom & Jerry are guest stars in their own movie.

Speaking of the story it rips off Disney's 1977 film The Rescuers. No for real other than a couple of differences they stole the basic plot. Two animal characters help a little girl put a stop to her greedy aunt's plans to get the money. That's what this movie did folks. It ripped off an underrated Disney film.

What also made this movie bad were the songs. There very forgettable. I mean it when I say after the movie was over I couldn't remember a single song from it. It also doesn't help they come right out of no where. A character would go to speak like a normal person and then BOOM! You're in a musical now!

Now to discuss the villains in the movie...they suck. They're very bland and uninspired, they're whole thing is I'm greedy and I want money. That's it. We get nothing else out of them other than greedy. Not too mention they also have weird names. Aunt "Figg", Mr. "Lickboot", and Dr. "Applecheek".

  • Mix

One mix bag is the animation. It is nice enough but I think the filmmakers should've been giving more money that way the animation truly has a cinematic style to it.

  • Positives

The only positive I will give the movie is the scenes that are just down right insane. I mean get a load of this GIF I made from a scene where Dr. Applecheek (I will still never get over how odd that name sounds) when he's just simply getting an ice cream cart to ride that way he's part of the chase,

What is with that creepy face?! (🤣). And there are other moments that can be perfectly labeled with WTF. So hey, gotta the film credit for that. At least we'll have some form of entertainment from it.

Tom & Jerry: The Movie is bad. It has no reason for Tom & Jerry to talk, Tom & Jerry aren't the main characters of the movie Robyn is, the story rips off The Rescuers, the musical numbers not only come out of nowhere but are just filler, and our villains are as one-dimensional as they get. The animation is okay. Really they only thing that's saving this movie from me giving my lowest rating is those bizzare and yet somehow entertaining moments.

My final rating is Bad.

So that's all for me. Come back on Saturday, Feb 27th for my review of Tom & Jerry. I'm hoping that that movie will be far better than this one. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

Seriously, Figg, Lickboot, and Applecheek what kind of names are those?

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