Thursday, May 6, 2021

Road to The Batman - Batman Review


Well everybody the road to Matt Reeves' The Batman has officially begun. So that means I get to review Batman movies whether they're a masterpiece, good, or bad. Let's begin.

Batman is a 1989 comic book movie based on the DC Comics' character of the same name. It was produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, PolyGram Pictures, and Guber-Peters Company and distributed Warner Bros. Pictures. Batman was written by Sam Hamm and Warren Skaaren and directed by Tim Burton.

The story is after falling into a vat of chemicals gangster Jack Napier has become the Joker. Joker quickly rises to the top of the criminal underworld and plans to do something sinister to the people of Gotham, Bruce Wayne aka Batman must find out what it is before Gotham City is ruled by this deranged madman.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

The only thing I'm mixed about when it comes to this movie is some of the changes they made. Now yes it's very common for things to be changed but some things should stay the same as they are from the comics.

  • Positives

One thing I'll praise the movie is the performances from Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton. What is there to say about Jack's performance as the Joker that hasn't already been said. The guy was just born to play this character. And Keaton was equally as good. Sure I understand his Bruce Wayne isn't all that good but he's Batman is truly iconic.

Now you can't praise Batman without talking about Danny Elfman's score. Much like the performances I don't really know what I can say that wasn't said before. Danny really made a score that was and still is to this day still remembered.

What also made this film a classic is the visual effects. I'm very surprised that when I rewatched this that they still hold up. And what really surprised me was some of the shots of Gotham weren't even actually places. They were either miniatures or (and this is something that really surprised me) paintings.

The last thing I'll praise Batman is Tim Burton's directing. He was definitely the right choice to bring out a dark and gothic tone for Batman. I really don't know if there was any other choice other than him. He gave us many awesome shots for this film. One of my favorites is when there's two muggers talking and in the background who can see Batman descend downwards in full silhouette.

Batman has earned it's rightful spot as one of the best comic book films. It has great acting from Nicholson and Keaton, an iconic score from Danny Elfman, well aged visual effects, and great directing from the one and only Tim Burton. The gray area is some of the changes the filmmakers made.

My final rating is Great.

Okay, I'm all done here. Come back on Saturday, May 15th for my review of Those Who Wish Me Dead. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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