Monday, May 3, 2021

Looking Back at the Films of 2020 Part 4 - Capone


Hey everyone and welcome to part four of Looking Back at the Films of 2020. This time around I'm only going to be reviewing one movie and that film is Capone. Let's get started.

Why Didn't I See Capone?

I don't quite remember why I didn't see Capone. I think maybe I was doing other things that didn't involve movies and stuff, and it got to the point where the film just slipped my mind I didn't think about since. That's the only logical explanation I can give you.

What is Capone?

Capone is a biographical drama based on notorious gangster Al Capone's eleven year sentence at Atlanta Penitentiary during which he was suffering from both Neurosyphilis and Dementia. The movie was produced by Endeavor Content, Lawrence Bender Productions, Bron Studios, and Addictive Pictures and distributed by Redbox Entertainment and Vertical Entertainment. Capone was written and directed by Josh Trank. The story is after feared gangster Al Capone is released from Atlanta Penitentiary after serving 11 years, but now he finds himself in a new prison. He's mind is slowing rotting away from untreated neurosyphilis. Just to make matters worse Al knows he hid a large sum of money somewhere but with his mind and motor functions becoming worse and worse he might not be able to get it.

My Thoughts

The Good: One of the best things about the movie was Tom Hardy's performance. I This guy was really going for it in this role. Whether he had to do something physical (which wasn't much in this) or having to sit and do nothing because his body just doesn't work. Another thing I liked about Capone was how we were given a different perspective on his life. Usually when someone makes an Al Capone film is focuses on his career as a criminal, but here I liked how we got to see what his life was like during his final days and what was going on with him as his mind was deteriorating. The last thing I'll give the movie credit was how is showcased this decent into insanity. I won't give anything away just in case you haven't seen it yet but let me tell ya....things definitely get crazy.

The Bad: The only thing I didn't like about Capone was the film just expects you to know everything. Sure, everybody knows Al Capone was a dangerous criminal. But the movie should've given us more of a backstory of who he is. Because other than a couple of flashbacks, hallucinations, and some bits of dialogue we're not really give much to know about our main character. 

The Okay: The gray area with the movie is the editing. There were times when it's pretty good, other times things get....odd? I don't know what the proper word would be to use. What I mean is I don't know what Trank (because other than writing & directing he also edited the movie) was going for in some of those other scenes. I guess it was to add more to Capone's mind going crazy? Like I said I'm not too sure what he was going for in some cases.

Final Verdict: Okay.

Alright, I'm all done here. Come back on Thursday, May 6th for my Cinematic Disasters review of Meet the Spartans. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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