Monday, August 23, 2021

Road to The Matrix Resurrections - The Matrix Review


With a brand new Matrix movie coming out in December, it was only a matter of time before I decided to review the previous films leading into it. So let's begin.

The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film. The movie was produced by Warner Bros., Village Roadshow Pictures, Groucho II Film Partnership, and Silver Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. The Matrix was written and directed by the Wachowskis.

The story is computer programmer Thomas Anderson (who is also the hacker known as Neo) seems to be living a really boring life at his job, all of that changes one day when two groups, one who part of a rebellion and the other being well dressed men come to him thinking he's discovered something. At first Thomas doesn't believe it but, he soon finds out it's true. Humanity has been in slaved by machines and they are living in a simulated reality, now Neo must help put an end to all of this.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

The Matrix's only mix bag is the special effects. Not the practical ones, those are just great. The CGI It really hasn't aged well. I remember one scene where Neo's mouth disappears, and the graphics just didn't look good. But given everything else that happens with the movie you can let it slide.

  • Positives

One of the best things about this film is even though it's an action flick, there's a lot of deeper themes going on. Sure, sci-fi movies in the past have done this, but I'm trying to picture what it was like back in 1999, and you see the trailer and might be under the impression that what you're gonna get is just a badass, punching, and shooting things action flick. And while you still get that, you also get a movie that explores a lot themes and philosophies. When I watched this movie as kid back in I think 2002 I didn't really can for it, but as time when by and I watched the movie more it really made me appreciate movies that have deeper meanings to them.

Now let's talk about directing...the Wachowskis did such a fantastic job. There are so many iconic shots in this. You have Neo dodging the bullets, Morpheus offering the red or blue pill and you see the reflection in his sunglasses, and that awesome shot that I still can't get out of my head, and that when Trinity is swinging away from an exploded helicopter and you see tiny bits of glass and an explosion right behind her. Just a whole lot of brilliant directing.

What also made The Matrix such a spectacular movie was the suspense. Whenever something is about to happen I'm really just sitting and waiting in anticipation for what's gonna happen next. And not only that but that third act where things start to get really crazy, with machines all over the place, Neo running for his life, and everything else, all of that had really good build up.

The last thing I'll give praise to is one of the best things about this movie and that's the action. What can I say about the action that hasn't already been said before. It's truly awesome. I have seen that lobby shootout scene at least five times, and I still get wide eyed whenever I watch it. That scene along with all of the other actions hasn't aged a day.

The Matrix definitely deserves every bit of praise it gets, whether is way back in 1999 or today. It has get themes, chief kiss directing, well handled suspense, and can't look away action scenes. And while the more practical effects are done to perfection, the CGI hasn't aged well but, that doesn't really effect the movie too much.

My final rating is A Must Watch.

So that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Aug 26th for my Cinematic Disasters review of 2000's Battlefield Earth. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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