Thursday, April 7, 2022

Why I'm a Michael Bay Fan

Well, I'm probably gonna be made fun of to no end with this one. But yes folks. I'm not afraid to admit this, but I'm a fan of Michael Bay.

Now you're probably asking, but Michael why? Haven't you read articles about him? Or watch videos regrading him and his directorial skills? And yes, yes I have. But guess what? I don't care.

So now you're wondering, why? Why am I fan of probably the most hated director to ever work in the film industry (other than Zack Snyder)? Well, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about why I'm a fan of this guy.

He Made Me a Fan of Transformers

Now you're probably asking even more questions than before. Yes, at first I wasn't a fan of the Transformers. Sure the cartoons were shown on Cartoon Network, but I never really got around to watching any of them. I don't remember the reason why I never watched them, I just know I didn't view them.

That all changed in 2007. During that year I was only 10 yrs old, I'm doing what most kids my age do and watch tv. Then next thing I knew I see a trailer for Bay's first Transformers movie, and I was hooked, I couldn't wait, and I never saw it in theaters. Yeah, during that time everyone was pretty much busy, so my folks couldn't take me. Luckily I fixed that when I was over at my Grandma and Grandpa's place. I put that movie in the DVD player, and I fell in love.

I loved everything that I saw. The action and everything. I just couldn't get enough of this movie. I was so happy about that film, that I couldn't wait for the sequel. And yes, when Revenge of the Fallen came out I saw that. And after those two movies and watching Transformers: Animated, I've been a fan ever since. So thank you Michael Bay and co. for exposing my little kid brain to transforming robots.

He Truly is an Auteur

For any of you who don't know, an auteur is an filmmaker with a distinctive approach when it comes to making their movies. In other words, let's say a trailer for a movie drops, within the first couple of seconds of watching, you can easily tell who directed the movie before the credits in said trailer read "A film by" or "A ____ film".

And whether you love him or hate him, Bay actually is an auteur in the sense that Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, and even Denis Villeneuve are. And in this day and age while a there still are a lot of good movies, there does seem to be a lack of auteurs going around. Sure, I have been enjoying the Russo Brother's movies such as Cherry, and I'm looking forward to their upcoming film The Gray Man. But can anybody really describe their style? Whether it's an MCU movie or not.

So folks, even if it pains you to admit it. Michael Bay is an auteur in his own right. And if my words couldn't convince you, then maybe this will. Stop reading this, and take a moment to watch Patrick (H) Willem's two-part video series, Michael Bay - Understanding A True American Auteur. You might be like me and not agree with every little thing he says, but his videos on Bay are still very good.

He's Very Much Self-Aware

One thing that I don't think people have ever given Bay credit for is....he's pretty self-aware. A lot of people have made jokes about how Michael Bay isn't aware of the kind of director that he is. But Bay himself has kinda prove that to be wrong. For instance watch this Verizon commercial he did.

This is clearly a man who can roll with the punches. A matter of fact, with some of the interviews I've read and watch with him, I never really got a sense that he's trying to make himself seem like some sort of highbrow director. This is made clear with a quote he said not only having a comeback to a lot of his critics, but also how he pretty much views himself and his movies. He would say, "I make movies for teenage boys. Oh, dear, what a crime".

Gave Us One of the Most Inspirational Quotes of All Time

Now, I present to you, the greatest Michael Bay quote NO! The greatest quote of all time...

"I don't change my style for anybody. Pussies do that."

Ladies and gentlemen, if you didn't shed a tear from that, I got some bad news. You're not only not a human being, but you also have no soul. May God have mercy on you in the afterlife.

He's a Master of the Popcorn Flick

Now that I had that bit of fun out of the way, here's my next point and yes, I will stand by this. Ever since I saw his first Transformers movie, I was very interested in what else Bay directed. So, thanks to the help of the internet, I looked up his filmography and watched his movies. Since then, not only was I looking forward to a new Transformers movie, but the next Michael Bay movie.

After watching all of his films up to the release of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I realized that Bay has given us a lot of good popcorn movies. Which I couldn't be more happy about. Sure, I'll enjoy more serious films like gritty crime movies, thrillers, and such, but every once in a while you did need that turn off your brain film, and I'm not just talking about comic book movies. Cause even though I'm both a DC and Marvel fan, even I do prefer to step away from those, and enjoy an action film that has nothing to do with costumed heroes and villains. And Michael Bay action films (along with many others) provide you with that sense of entertainment. I get everything he promises in the trailers. Crazy amounts of destruction, explosions, and a sense of fun (although I am excluded Pearl Harbor from that last part, because I don't think Bay wanted that one to be fun at all).

So, there you go. I told you why I like Michael Bay's work. If I somehow made you fan great, and if I didn't, oh well. Anyhow, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Saturday, Apr 9th for my review of Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Yeah, I know. I just went a this whole spiel about Bay, and I'm not reviewing Ambulance first? Simply put, I've been looking forward to Sonic the Hedgehog 2 more. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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