Saturday, April 2, 2022

Morbius Review


Morbius is a comic book movie based on the Marvel Comics' character, Morbius the Living Vampire. It's also the third installment of Sony's Spider-Man Universe. The film is produced by Marvel Entertainment, Columbia Pictures, Arad Productions, and Matt Tolmach Productions and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. Morbius is written by Matt Sazama and Burk Sharpless and directed by Daniel Espinosa.

The story is every since he was young, Michael Morbius has had to suffer with a rare blood disease. After many years he has finally found a cure. Since taking it, Michael has become both stronger and faster, but he soon learns that this supposed miracle has come at a cost. Now he has to wonder if the cure is worse than the disease?

Initial Reaction

I've been looking forward to this movie since it's release date was Mar of 2021. During that time me and my buddy Brian made plans to see it. Then the you know what's pandemic happened and everything got screwed up. And just to get even more hyped up for this movie, I went back and read some Morbius comics. So I fully prepared for this, and couldn't wait.


My real issue with the movie is the pacing. It's way too fast. So fast in fact that there's barely enough time to take everything in. Sure, a fast-paced movie is fun and all, but this wasn't fast-paced it was hyper speed pace. Now if you've been paying attention to this movie as much as I have then you would know that yes, there were things cut. And it's not just that one scene in the trailers, where we see a graffiti drawing of Spider-Man with "murder" painted across it. I checked out @ReactorTX2017 (someone I'm following on Twitter), and he showed photos that probably would've helped the movie. Like this...

Don't know the exact context of this scene, but I would've liked to see it.

Middle Ground

One gray area for me was the CGI. It didn't bother me too much, but it really could've used more a polishing. The other mix bag was the action. While I still liked it, there were two moments that I just couldn't forgive. It was shots were it looked like the camera was zoomed in way too close, and all you could see is what I think we're bits of rubble. Then we have the mid-credit scenes, sure they're one of the obvious things messed with, but I still liked them. It got me curious of what's gonna happen next, and it's far better than a mid and post-credit scene wasting our time with some stupid joke.


If there's anything to truly love about Morbius, it's Jared Let and Matt Smith. While I think the movie overall is okay, these two really made the film work with there performances. If anything, it was worth seeing the rest of the movie just for them.

Morbius is by no means the worst Marvel movie ever. That's just bias opinions from critics who just want every single comic book movie to be just like the MCU. But with that being said there's still issues. Such as the way too fast runtime and things clearly being cut out. Could've used more work on the CGI, action, and the mid-credit scenes. The really good stuff comes from Jared Leto and Matt Smith's performances.

My final rating is Okay.

I really do believe Sony should release a director's cut. Might not happen but hey, it doesn't hurt to dream. Anyhow, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Monday, Apr 4th for my review of the newest Netflix film, The Bubble. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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