Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Look Back at Enchanted (2007)


With Disenchanted arriving very soon, it's time to look back at the film that started it all.

Enchanted is a musical fantasy comedy film that both parodies and pays tribute to Disney's animated features. The movie was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, Josephson Entertainment, Andalasia Productions, and Right Coast Productions and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Enchanted was written by Billy Kelly and directed by Kevin Lima.

The story is Prince Edward has found his true love with Giselle. Knowing this will dethrone her, the evil queen Narissa comes up with a plan. She tricks Giselle and pushes her down a well. This in return sends Giselle to the real world in New York. Now she wants to find her way back home, so she can go and marry the love of her life.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing, so just keep scrolling.

  • Mix

If there's one thing that bothered me just a little bit, but nothing I'm gonna lose sleep over, it would be the CGI. There's many times when it's pretty good, other times it could've used just a bit more polishing. Mainly with the final fight with the dragon.

  • Positives

One thing that made the film an entertaining experience was the 2D animation. It perfectly captured the look and feel of Disney's older animated films.

What also really worked was the humor. I was having a great laugh through and through when I re-watched this. The best bits came from Giselle and Prince Edward. Those two were hilarious when you put them together.

Now we have Amy Adams. It's no wonder this was the film that made her a leading lady. She's phenomenal in this. She really captured not only Giselle's childlike wonder, but also perfectly captures when there's a change in her personality.

The other fantastic aspect of Enchanted was how yes, it's a parody, but it also still serves as a homage. Both of these perfectly balanced. The homage side will definitely have you reminiscing about the classic Disney films. While the parody is making fun of the Disney tropes and clichés, there still felt like there was love there. So if anything it's a kind hearted spoof on Disney.

The last thing I'll praise, and it was something I never realized when I watched it the first time, but realize it now having re-watched it. What I'm referring to is the character development. Mainly from Giselle and Robert. Giselle is more of an optimistic dreamer, where as Robert definitely acts more of a realist. And the more time they spend with each other, Giselle while still being the most joyful of the two, she would later on realize there's still times when you got to be realistic. With Robert he really went through a transformation, where he's not so uptight and nihilistic. He can still be serious, but not having to sacrifice being joyful in his own right. So when these two eventually have their own love story, it feels natural, as suppose to being forced.

Enchanted is a wonderful film. It's got great 2D animation before transitioning into live-action, hilarious humor, a fantastic performance from Amy Adams, a perfect balance between tribute and spoof, and surprising amount of character development. While the CGI is by no means awful, there were times when it could've used more work.

My final rating is Great.

That's all for now. Come back on Saturday, Nov 19th, for my review of Disenchanted. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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