Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham is an animated comic book movie based on Mike Mignola's Elseworld miniseries of the same name. It's produced by DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation and distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham is written by Jase Ricci and directed by Christopher Berkeley and Sam Liu.
The story is in 1920s Gotham City, an ancient horror has awaken and plans to spread chaos throughout Gotham. Now Batman must find out the secrets about this great and evil, and hope to save his city before it's too late.
Initial Reaction
The reason why I wanted to see this was not only was it a new DC animated movie, but it was venturing into the Elseworlds territory. Which means we were gonna get something different.
The real negative for me was the villains. Even with an entire history behind them, they were very lackluster. Even if in the main continuity of DC, their motives was to destroy Gotham and rebuild it, in the comics there's more depth of character, here they just felt generic.
Middle Ground
One mix feeling I had with the movie was the changes. While the movie maintains somethings that were in the original comic miniseries, other changes just didn't feel necessary. Like swapping out Jason Todd and Tim Drake, with two very forgettable replacements. And I'm not saying that last bit just to be a dick, I actually forgot those character's names. The other aspect was the art style. While I don't hate it, I really think the movie would've benefited had they used a style similar to or exactly like the comic. I mean, how many of you would've preferred this,
as supposed to this.
One positive thing about the movie version of The Doom That Came to Gotham was the animation. The animation did a fantastic job capturing the gothic tone of both the story and design. And even though this a horror story, that didn't stop use from getting some beautiful colors in there as well. The last thing I'll say about the movie is much like the previous Elseworlds movies [Batman: Gotham by Gaslight and Superman: Red Son] we've got something different. It's Batman mixed in with an H.P. Lovecraft story. So because of this different take along with the previously mentioned flicks, this helps the animated DC library continue to have breath of fresh air, while the studio continues with their cinematic universes.
This movie wasn't a full disappointment for me, but this is where I'm not gonna rewatch it like I do with previous DC animated movies. There were quite a few entertaining qualities, but not enough for me to give this a very high rating.
My final rating is, Okay.
That's all for now. Come back again tomorrow, for my review of Tetris. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.