Tuesday, March 14, 2023

65 Review


65 is a sci-fi action thriller movie that's produced by Columbia Pictures, Bron Creative, Raimi Productions, and Beck/Woods and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. 65 is written and directed by Scott Beck and Bryan Woods.

The story is Mills has taken the job of a two-year space expedition in order to gain money to treat his daughter's illness. While traveling, his ship gets hit and crashes lands on Earth during the Cretaceous period. Now both him and a surviving passenger must find a way to escape from Earth and get back home.

Why the Delay?

If any of read my Scream VI review, then you'd know that I intended to upload this on Monday. Well what happened was I was helping my parents clean up their house, because they were getting it appraised. So by the time we finished, I was tired and decided to push this review to Tuesday.

Initial Reaction

I've got a very deep and philosophical reason as to why I wanted to see this, going by the trailers it seemed like it was going to be a fun action flick. Simple as that.


Nothing here folks, just move on.

Middle Ground

If there's one gray area is, while this was a pretty fun movie, I do have a feeling this maybe forgotten about. However, given how I heard and/or read about people comparing this to those midnight tv showing movies, like something in the vain of a 70's or 80's flick, maybe this will have some sort of cult following?


One thing that 65 has going for it, is the cinematography. I really dug the look to this. Sometimes you get really good dark shots, or shots/scenes that really show off the prehistoric setting. Then we have Adam Driver's performance, I don't know if I can give him praise that hasn't already been said. Whether you did or didn't hate the movie, I think we can all agree that Driver brought a really good performance. Then we've got character. Sure, it's not the greatest character depth of all time, but the writers/directors still did a good enough job to make us care for our two main characters. The last thing I'll say about the movie is the action. If you love seeing dinosaurs just going crazy, then maybe this movie won't disappoint you. I also want to give credit to the filmmakers for actually trying making the dinosaurs scary. As suppose to just having them jump out at the camera, there's an actual build up to when these things are going on the attack. Which made said action, have a level of suspense.

While I did enjoy 65 to a degree, I do acknowledge this isn't a perfect movie. But it was still entertaining in a lot of other ways.

My final rating is, Good.

That's all for now. Come back on Thursday, Mar 16th, for part two of the Road to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem, with my review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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