Thursday, February 8, 2024

Road to Kung Fu Panda 4 - Kung Fu Panda 2 Review


Kung Fu Panda 2 is an animated marital arts comedy movie, as well as the sequel to Kung Fu Panda. Making it the second installment of the franchise. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Kung Fu Panda 2 was written by Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger and directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson.

The story is, Po feels like he's living the life. He's now known as The Dragon Warrior and is enjoying stopping bad guys with his allies/friends The Furious Five. This peaceful live takes a turn when a new dangerous villian arrives and plans to conquer China. In order to defeat him, Po must recall his past.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing.

  • Mix

Nope, still nothing.

  • Positives

Alright, first thing to praise but I'll keep short is the animation. This among many other things is what both the first and second film have in common, quality animation. Swift and smooth movements, beautiful looking colors, etc.

Then we have the action. Once again, we're given plenty of fun and exciting action. But not only was it entertaining in the aspect of people (or in this case animals) punching each other, but just like the first, there's bits of comedy.

Speaking of the comedy, there are yet again some very funny moments. Whether it'd be dialogue or slapstick, there's a lot of humorous moments. I think my favorite might have been when Shifu recounts when Po was chosen as the Dragon Warrior, and he almost seems like he's having his own Vietnam-esque flashback.

Now to write about something I've truly been waiting to write down for this review, and that being the main villain, Shen. I'll be honest, back in 2011 I didn't really think all that highly of him. A matter of fact, I actually thought he was a downgrade from Tai Lung. Cause my train of thought at the time was we went from a badass snow leopard who's an excellent martial artist, to a peacock that fires canons. But now that I'm older, I definitely see him in a very different light. Basically he after a combination of being rejected by his family and desperately trying to fight destiny, he wants control, he needs control. He doesn't care how he gets control, whether it's hurting or killing his own minions, or committing genocide, he just wants control over everything. All in an effort not to be hurt like he was in the past. But other than being a murderous control freak, he's actually very cunning. Sure, he'll go hand-to-hand, but for the most part he mainly relies on his advanced weaponry and his mind.

Now with Shen out of the way, how's Po doing this time around? Well he once again gets a great story that helps with his character. Where in the first he has to overcome an imposter syndrome, here he needs to find inner peace. And by that he needs to remember his past. But by having to remember the past, he winds up being trapped in for a good portion of the movie. So we get this very emotional journey where he must learn to let the past be, and live in the present. It's actually quite the contrast to Shen's story. Because with Shen and his story of the past, he's hurting and isn't using that pain to learn and become better, where as Po is using the past for the exact opposite.

Folks, much like the first movie, I liked it but now, I love it. This is a spectacular sequel.

My final rating is, A Must Watch!

That's all for now, come back on Friday, Feb 16th, my review of the newest Sony/Marvel flick, Madame Web. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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