Monday, May 20, 2024

Differences Between All-Star Superman (Movie) & All-Star Superman (Comic)


Alright, it's another Differences Between and this time it's all about Superman. More specifically the All-Star Superman story.

In the comic we're introduced to DNA P.R.O.J.E.C.T. We see them every now and then throughout the comic and learn things about them such a character named Agatha and her powers, their Bizarro worker drones, and that they have a "voyager titan". In the movie we seen them at the beginning and at the end.

There was also quite a few changes to the Fortress of Solitude. In the movie, while Lois is taking a shower she makes a tease at Clark asking if he's using his X-ray vision, this never happened in the comic. Also during this sequence, Superman & Lois look into the future, in the movie they see Kal Kent aka the Superman of the 853rd century. This didn't happen in the comic, in the comic Lois is the only one to see into the future, and she sees the Unknown Superman of 4500 A.D.

Another difference comes from Superman being challenged to an arm wrestling contest with Samson and Atlas. In the movie, Superman beats them both at the same time. While in the comic, he beats them one by one.

At one point during the miniseries' run, we get an issue with Jimmy Olsen meeting up with P.R.O.J.E.C.T. At one point Superman is turned evil because of a piece of kryptonite and then Jimmy has to stop him. This never happened in the movie.

There was some slight changes with Lex Luthor's jail. In the comic his trial is mostly the same, but during the beginning the Judge did compare Luthor to evil men such as Hitler. But the comparisons didn't happen in the movie. Also, Clark's time visiting Lex in jail does almost happen the same way. The only differences being that Parasite was behind a glass cell and then breaks out, where in the comic he was being wheeled around and then breaks out. Then there's Lex confronting Parasite. In the movie it's very tamed. While in the comic it's slightly more violent and Luthor also used that moment to scare other inmates.

In the movie, the only thing we get with Pa Kent is Superman visiting his mother at his tombstone. While in the comic storyline, we get a flashback issue to a younger Superman meeting other members of the Superman Squad including Kal Kent. During this issue not only is there an action scene, but Pa Kent sadly dies. This flashback doesn't happens in the movie.

What we also got from the comic was an encounter with Bizarro. This adventure was a two-parter where not only does Superman go one-on-one with Bizarro, but we also take a trip to Bizarro's homewolrd. This mini story arc was also used to explain Superman's two month absence. In the movie we don't get Bizarro and Superman's two month disappearance was changed to him finding a planet for the bottled city of Kandor and the reason for taking so long was because of his declining health.

One of the more iconic moments from the comics, was when Superman stopped a young girl from committing suicide. This moment sadly didn't happen in the movie. This is one of those instances where I wished a scene didn't get removed.

There are also many other changes, and you can find them yourselves by finding the comic online and also watching the movie online or retail. Whichever you prefer. But that's all for now. Come back on Thursday, May 23rd, for my Classic Film Night review of the Stanley Kubrick classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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