The Umbrella Academy is a comic book web show based on the Dark Horse comic series of the same name. It's produced by Borderline Entertainment, Irish Cowboy, Dark Horse Entertainment, and Universal Content Productions and distributed by Netflix. The series is developed by Steve Blackman and Jeremy Slater. The final season consist of only six episodes.
The story is, it's been six years since the events of the last season, and the Hargreeves have all gone their separate ways. But when they hear word of something called "The Cleanse", they reluctantly team up again and put a stop to whatever is going on.
- Negatives
The thing I disliked about the final season were the villains, Gene and Jean. Honestly, I just didn't find them all that interesting. They were bland cult leaders and quirky in the most trademark way possible. Not to mention but they're a downgrade compared to the previous villains. Season one had Leonard Peabody, a crazed former fan of The Umbrella Academy who was smart enough to manipulated one of the most powerful members of said academy, which resulted in the first apocalypse. Season two had the Handler, an egotistical and controlling time traveler who wants revenge on Five for his betrayal. Then season three was Reginald, the Umbrella's own father, who also manipulated the team to get what he wants. Season four, these two. Quirky™️ scientists.
- Mix
One gray area was the special effects. Now, there were a lot of times when the effects looked pretty good. Nothing to complain about. However you do have some moments where they went very good. But hey, some of those still looked a lot better than season three.
Then there's the story. Now there was a great sense of impending doom, and I think this was a pretty good ending for the Umbrellas. But, the character development just didn't feel as strong as the previous seasons. Hell, some characters don't have any storyline at all. Then there's also the fact this season raised too many questions. Which isn't a good thing for a series finale. Questions like, how does Five know about the Marigold? From what I remember, he didn't know about it in the previous seasons. And that's only one of many questions you'll ask yourself after the last episode. And speaking of episodes, there just wasn't enough this season. This season truly needed more episodes. That way the story could've flown more smoothly.
- Positives
The only positive, once again, goes to our cast. Despite working with material that just wasn't all that strong, they still did a fantastic job, and since this is the last time they'll be playing these characters, I hope in the future they're offered great movies and/or other great TV series to work on. They've earned it.
While I wasn't fully disappointed with the final season, I do feel like out of all four, this was the weakest.
My final rating is, Okay.
That's all for now. Come back on Thursday, Aug 15th, for my review of the newest DC animated movie, Watcmen - Chapter I. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.
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