Thursday, April 26, 2018

My Three Biggest Concerns for Avengers: Infinity War

So Avengers: Infinity War is quite literally around the corner and we're all excited about the film. Now I know I shouldn't be so negative about this film because Marvel has done a good job with there films and you should always always judge a movie by it's final product and not by trailers, posters, or commercials but I wanted to make this list just to get it off my chest. So here it is my top 3 concerns related to Infinity War.

#3. Too Much Humor

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Not counting Black Panther Marvel for some reason is really pushing it with the humor. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.2 had a lot of scenes that got ruined by a joke, Spider-Man: Homecoming's post-credit scene was played up for a laugh but it was just cringe, and Thor: Ragnarok while enjoyable at times did have a lot of moments ruined by jokes. If this kind of stuff happens in Avengers: Infinity War the stakes of that movie won't matter because well if everybody else isn't taking Thanos seriously why should we? Humor in a superhero movie isn't a bad thing but when you do it too much it kind of ruins whatever serious tone your trying to make the audience feel.

#2. A Dishonest Trailer

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Now I want you to do me a favor. I want you to flashback to 2015, remember the first Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer. Remember how dark and serious that was but then you watched and it really wasn't anything like that. A lot of people including myself were really disappointed by that. Then there was all of the Captain America: Civil War trailers and how they had a very serious tone to them but then the film came out and it didn't feel like the gritty political thriller it wanted you to believe it was. Now let's look back at the first Avengers: Infinity War trailer.

Now much like Avengers: Age of Ultron & Captain America: Civil War this trailer has a very serious tone but that's what concerns me. I'm afraid were gonna have another case of Marvel promising us a dark and serious film because that's what the trailers are giving us but then when I see the movie it's just going to be another popcorn flick. I really and I can't stress this enough I really hope this time we get an honest trailer that delivers on it's promise.

#1. Nobody Dies

Image result for avengers age of ultron quicksilver death

Okay maybe I won't have to worry about this one because on March 9 Kevin Feige said if anybody dies in Infinity War the death will be permanent but still a concern for me. Basically Marvel has a track record of supposedly killing off characters only for them to be alive. The only confirmed death so far is Quicksilver in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Now I know it seems dark that I want someone to die in this movie but hear me out for one moment. The Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy are going up against Thanos. Thanos is one of Marvel's most dangerous and most powerful supervillains and if any of you have read comics you would know Thanos is definitely going to kill someone without hesitation. So if one of the most powerful villains from the comics can't even murder one of the members of both teams want's the point of feeling terrified?

So those were my biggest worries for Avengers: Infinity War I'm really really REALLY hoping none of them come true. But besides my concerns I'm still looking forward to the movie. So look out for my review coming Saturday.

State of The Project (Apr 9th - Apr 28th)

Apr 9th - The Top 4 Reasons Why I Hate Rotten Tomatoes

Apr 12th - Underrated Films - Dredd Review

Apr 14th - Rampage Review

Apr 16th - Road to Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Jurassic Park III Review

Apr 23rd - Road to Avengers: Infinity War - Avengers: Age of Ultron Review

Apr 26th - My Three Biggest Concerns for Avengers: Infinity War

Apr 28th - Avengers: Infinity War Review


1 comment:

  1. watch Avengers Infinity War online on zmovie now. Yes, history repeats itself. The black panther phenomenon is back, now renamed as infinity war. An avengers' film didn't need all that false hype to reach 600 million, I supposed. The boldest superhero movie ever that could kill off any of its heroes just for the sake of making a masterpiece? Well, we are not so lucky, superheroes are for children because they don't die. They return, as multi million dollar potential still remains. So what's the point of fooling with incorrect ideas posted smartly to make one think otherwise. The secret lies with kids. No matter how mature or philosophical they pretend to be, a belief still remains that these works need grown up kids or real ones to break records. It's this idea that this film strengthens, putting Christopher Nolan's hard work to dust. And yet all this hype has found takers. In the world of today, humans too can be programmed (skynet beware). It happens so that mass hysteria gives way to a prolonged hypnosis that hinders the truth from coming out. There were times when bad films finally got what they deserved. But now it seems humans have gradually transformed into bots. A majority view is now a bot's view, programmed to perfection. The movie industry is now devoid of its stories, superheroes don't die, but stories do. What's left is a mishmash of all the same. Now about the movie: weak plot, weak execution, with bits of unwanted comedy and no change. The future will be more of the same.

    See more: watchtvseries
