Monday, April 9, 2018

The Top 4 Reasons Why I Hate Rotten Tomatoes

Guys I'm going to come off very blunt but I hate the film review website known as Rotten Tomatoes. So instead of a long opening let's just get right into it.

Image result for rotten tomatoes rating system

#4. The Confusing Rating System

Before I tell you why I hate this thing let me explain what it is. Basically "The Tomatometer" (by the way that's a stupid name for a rating system) let's both critics and the audience rate a film or TV show from rotten to certified fresh. Now that seems cut and dry doesn't it? Well that was the abridged version but I swear if you ask anybody to give you a more detailed version of The Tomatometer you'll get a different explanation almost everytime. I heard one answer here then I hear another over there. Hell it seems that Rotten Tomatoes themselves don't even know how this works. For example a critic and/or audience member could give a movie a 4.5/5 and Rotten Tomatoes will deem that fresh but then that same critic and/or audience member could do the same thing do a different movie and Rotten Tomatoes will say that it's rotten.

Dark Knight Rises | Rotten Tomatoes | Know Your Meme

#3. Accepting Anything as A Review

If you don't believe me on this here's an example

Yeah that's an actually "review" that Rotten Tomatoes accepted. Sure it may not have been one of their top reviews or something like that but the fact that they allowed that is just astonishing. One review for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice I remember was some woman just saying "Really?" as her review headline. I mean that counts as a review or a review headline now?! And people wonder why other people hate this site.

Image result for rotten tomatoes ghostbusters

#2. Clear and Obvious Bias

Now I will be talking about the DC Extended Universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe but only because that was one of their worst moments of being bias. Also this part is going to be pretty long so bare with me here. Let me tell you a story that takes place all the way back in 2016. On March 25, 2016 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was released and was trashed by critics. However people noticed that the film wasn't as bad as the critics on Rotten Tomatoes were making it. Then on May 6, 2016 Captain America: Civil War was released and was praised by critics. But people noticed that film was not what "every superhero film should be". I bring these movies up because while they both have flaws some of which are the same ones but Civil War's flaws were ignored. They were definitely not what Rotten Tomatoes wanted you to believe they were. But no despite that, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was given 27%  rotten while Captain America: Civil War was given 91% certified fresh. Even thought like I said before they both had flaws but one film was given more flak than the other. But let's move on from that. Let's go to July 15, 2016 when Ghostbusters (2016) was released. The abridged version is if you hate the movie for any valid reasons your sexist, somehow racist, and above all else you're a huge bigot. But here's the thing about the's awful. Nothing about it is entertaining but what did Rotten Tomatoes say "no guys it's funny it really is, it's so much better than the 1984 classic" (by the way I call bullshit to who ever said that). "Look we gave it a 74% certified fresh". So yeah Rotten Tomatoes is clearly playing favorites but despite that nobody seems to noticed. In matter of fact you point this out people just think your crazy. Which brings me to my next point.

Image result for brainwashing

#1. The Site has Brainwashed People

Yeah this sounds like a bit of a stretch but hear me out. Have you and your friends ever went to see a movie and your like "Hey we should see this movie. It looks like it could be good." but then your friend says "Okay sure but first let me look at it's Rotten Tomatoes score." Well think of that time but tenfold. Yeah there is a large majority of people out there that rely on Rotten Tomatoes to see a movie instead of forming their own opinion. Now don't get me wrong I would be flattered if people wanted to read my opinion on a movie before seeing it but I wouldn't want you and your friends/family members to take my opinion as a fact on a movie's quality. This way of relying on Rotten Tomatoes has actually hurt Hollywood. Last year Baywatch and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales didn't do as well as they should have because people would have much rather listen to a rotten fruit then see the movie for themselves. Now your probably saying "well maybe they should try making better movies." Sure but take a step back and think. Your the one that goes to a website on a movies' quality when you can think for yourself.

Anyways that's going to do it for me. Look out for my next countdown list My Top 5 Problems with Today's Film Critics and The Film Fandom. That list will come out on July 30th.

I almost forgot. You guys should really watch this video by iamthatboy titled "Is ROTTEN TOMATOES Killing Cinema?" It's actually a pretty good video about how flawed the website is. Check it out

State of The Project (Mar 22nd - Apr 12th)

Mar 22nd - No Pacific Rim Reviews. Sorry

Mar 26th - The Top 14 Best Internet Critics

Mar 29th - Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Review

Mar 31st - Ready Player One Review

Apr 7th - A Quiet Place Review

Apr 9th - The Top 4 Reasons Why I Hate Rotten Tomatoes

Apr 12th - Underrated Films - Dredd Review


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