Thursday, April 12, 2018

Underrated Films - Dredd Review

Dredd is a 2012 science-fiction action film based on the 2000 AD comic strip Judge Dredd. The film was produced by DNA Films, IM Global, and Reliance Entertainment and distributed by Lionsgate and Entertainment Film Distributors. Dredd was written by Alex Garland and directed by Pete Travis.

The story is Dredd is partnered with a rookie named Cassandra Anderson. One day on the job they discover a new drug called Slo-Mo, they soon find out the drug was made by a woman who goes by the name Ma-Ma. Their later trapped in the build that Ma-Ma is hiding and they have to fight not only to get out alive but to arrest the powerful drug lord.

Why It's Underrated

What makes the film underrated is because it unfortunately didn't make it's money back at the box office despite positive reviews. The film had an estimated budget of $30-45 million but only made $41.5 million during it's theatrical run. What also makes the film underrated in my opinion is whenever people talk about the best comic book movies it's usually your typical DC or Marvel movie while this movie gets pushed into the background. Which sucks because Dredd is awesome.

Why It's Worth Watching

One reason to watch this film is it's setting. The city looks amazing and so well designed. Despite the giant mega buildings Mega City One looks very realistic.

Another reason to check this film out is the action. It was just pure insane entertainment. Each of the scenes were paced nicely and greatly edited.

Dredd also has great performances. While Karl Urban's face is covered throughout the whole film, he still does a fantastic job with the character of Judge Dredd. The other performance you'll like is Olivia Thirlby as Judge Anderson. Not only does she come off like a rookie but her character also gives Dredd a sense of humanity.

What I also loved about the movie was how dark and gritty it is. Originally it was going to have a lot more humor to it but I'm glad the filmmakers/writers turned it down. Because the more darker tone gives the film more of a sense of high stakes.

Now the music could feel like a mixed bag but for me I enjoyed it. My favorite song was Mega City One and Judge, Jury, and Executioner.


Now while Dredd didn't score big at the box office one thing the filmmakers should be proud of is the film's positive reviews but more importantly than that they should be proud they have a cult following. And because of that cult following the film saw a greater success when it was released on DVD/Blu-Ray.

Dredd is definitely on my list of my favorite comic book films that aren't based on DC or Marvel. The film contains a great setting, brutal action scenes, spectacular performances, a perfectly dark tone, and a fairly good soundtrack.

My final rating is Great

State of The Project (Mar 26th - Apr 14th)

Mar 26th - The Top 14 Best Internet Critics

Mar 29th - Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay Review

Mar 31st - Ready Player One Review

Apr 7th - A Quiet Place Review

Apr 9th - The Top 4 Reasons Why I Hate Rotten Tomatoes

Apr 12th - Underrated Films - Dredd Review

Apr 14th - Rampage Review


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